Ch 6: Surge

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    Prabhu stared at the watchman in front of him, wondering how on Earth he could get out of this mess. 

    "I asked you a question, boy. I'll take you to the principal tomorrow, if you don't tell me where your friends are!", the watchman growled. 

    Prabhu began to think fast. 'There's no way I can just persuade him to let me go. I can't just run away from him, either! That'd give away the place I'd run towards. No way I'm gonna explain everything. This guy would take me straight to the 3rd floor then, and God knows what'll happen there! Plus, I need to go inside and get that newspaper! What do I do?!'

    He glanced around for ideas. A wall-mounted lamp? Could he smack him over the head and run away? Of course not! The metal table with the boxes of dinner? How about pushing it down and tripping him, allowing himself to make a run for it? Nope. The sound would awaken the sleeping students, and then what? He'd be in even bigger trouble. 

    There wasn't anything else except the dusty floor...

    'Dusty floor?!' Prabhu thought, and a plan instantly popped into his mind. He quickly knelt down, scooped a handful of dust in his right  hand, got up and tossed the dust straight at the watchman's eyes!- All within seconds, before the watchman could react. 

    Howling in pain and anger, The watchman tried to grab Prabhu, but being unable to see did not help him with that. As he flailed his arms about, Prabhu rushed inside the room and dashed to the cupboards. He scanned the shelves till he found a paper with a partly torn side. "Yes!" He exclaimed, and pulled it out. He quickly folded it and put it in his pocket. 

    He swung around and muttered "Oh shit..."

    The watchman blocked the doorway with his heavy frame, glaring at him with watery red eyes full of anger. "You..damn boy! I'll kill you!", he roared, and advanced towards Prabhu. 

    He was caught. 

    The Watchman  grabbed Prabhu by his shoulders and shook him so hard, his teeth began to rattle. 

    Only one way out now. There really wasn't any other choice. 

   Prabhu bent his right leg backwards... and let it fly forward in a really forceful kick-- right between the grown-man's legs. 

    The sound that followed wasn't very pleasant to hear, and the watchman doubled over, releasing Prabhu from his grasp, and crumpled to the floor, writhing in agony. 

    "I'm so sorry..." Prabhu whispered to him, running out of the dorm, the watchman cursing behind him.

_____ _ _____

    Ajay tossed the board at the ghoulish man, shouting "Stay away!", feeling terrified. 

    Chris and Anoop cowered behind Ajay. The three of them were huddled against the wall, with the creature blocking the only way out. 

    Anoop noticed something on the thing's hand. There was no mistaking that blue fabric! It was a bit of their school uniform! "Oh no... That could be Vivek's or one of the others..." Ajay realized. 

    The man-like creature suddenly lurched forward, running abnormally fast towards them, opening his mouth to reveal a rotting set of teeth and disgusting greenish gums. The boys screamed in terror and tried to run away. 

    Ajay and Anoop ran left, while Chris ran the opposite side, towards the broken blackboard. 

    The man turned towards Ajay and Anoop, and made his way to them. At the same time, Chris grabbed the leg of a broken chair, and crept towards them. Anoop caught sight of Chris and immediately understood his plan. 

    The man shot out a hand to grab Ajay and at that moment, Chris brought the wooden chair-leg down onto the man's bald head.

    Chris stared open-mouthed as the stick passed right through him. Thrown off balance, Chris stumbled and fell down. 

    Even more astonishing, the man was actually able to grab hold of Ajay's shirt and raised him into the air with surprising strength, leaving Ajay's feet dangling a few inches off the floor. 


    A metallic sound was heard from somewhere outside the classroom, and all four of them, including the ghastly man, turned towards it. 

    The sound seemed to agitate the man, and he released Ajay and began to look left and right, in frightening, jerkish movements. 

    The three boys now clung together, away from the dead body, away from the freakish man, and now afraid of the sound they just heard. 

    "We're doomed.." Anoop whimpered.

_____ _ _____

A/N: Hey Readers! Hope you're enjoying After School II as much as I am! If you do, please leave a vote, or even a comment, that would make me real happy :)

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