Chapter IV - A Chapter's Ending

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Mody waits in his hole for a single message from David young or someone from the O.D.Y, But it has been days since he got down the hole and he started getting worried that he won't hear from Thea ever again and that's when he heard a cracked voice saying "Don't worry, I survived worse conditions once I survived a radiated area in the war against the poples!"

Mody was in shock because the voice spoke with his mouth it was like someone else was controlling his body, but the voice kept talking "I think David was right you know, I think we're going to have many consciousnesses, and one day another consciousness will take over and one of us will disappear."

Mody is now scared because he never thought that someone was with him this whole time and he shivered and came back to reality and said "Hello? Who are you what's your name? And how did you use my body?!"

the voice answered him as soon as Mody stopped talking, "i don't know why you're scared to be honest, I am you and you are me we are two consciousnesses in one body is it scary? I am Mody the first one, I am the soldier side of you I think, I remember clearly ordering O.D.Y robot soldiers to attack a poples camp, but now I can only talk to you as you control this body."

Mody answered him "i'm sorry if I get scared because it is usually one consciousness per body and now I have this probably continually split of consciousnesses for who knows how long! And I get scared that my consciousness will disappear before I see David again".

While Mody waits inside his cave hole, David is sending distress signals to Mody but no one is at the other end, The O.D.Y have predicted a horrifying future for Thea, After a few meetings the O.D.Y astronomers have predicted a potential crash between Thea and the Earth and judging by the size of the Earth, Thea will not survive the crash nor will anyone on Earth unless they either have to leave the binary system, Or be as near to the earth's core as possible from the southern hemisphere, the shock wave of Earth swallowing Thea wouldn't be as devastating in the southern hemisphere, but it would be pretty horrible.

Mody continues his conversation with the other consciousness,

Mody: you know, I have a feeling that something's wrong.

Mody: and I need to give you a name, just so you know I am talking to you,

I am going to call you The Monster.

The monster: why would you call me a monster?

Mody: well since you are scary to me, and your voice is screechy and dry.

The Monster: alright but if I am "The monster" who are you?

Mody: I think I am the First Mody.

The Monster: But I am the first consciousness, you can't be the first when you come second.

Mody: I came in second but I control this body, where you only talk to me, you can't interact with the outside world, which makes me the first Mody.

The Monster: I am not sure about this but we'll have it your way...

As the two discuss matters that don't matter, Thea gets even closer to earth, It appears that six of the O.D.Y members including David Young, are going to an unmentioned part of the O.D.Y base, no one chases after them as they are all waiting for their inevitable fate, which is the horrific death by a planetary crash, while the members were waiting in the meeting room, the big screen on the wall and the transmitter turned on and the screen read "4.53 Ga Thea crashes into Planer Earth in T -7D13H38M", everyone was shocked, someone must have predicted this long ago, because none of the engineers programmed the transmitter to do this and the 5 people with David weren't responsible, they were doctors and chemists.

While the confusion was happening in the O.D.Y the count down has already streamed out to the planet as a whole and even were transmitting in every direction around Thea. Which stirred up the people's emotions of both races and people went out in riots asking for something to save them, not knowing that there is no hope in asking anyone for it is too late and the only thing that could save them is a massive Star-Ship that could take their whole population and orbit a planet until they could find a habitable planet, and that is impossible to accomplish because the amount of devotion to war from both races.

The O.D.Y is debating whether to look for a solution or look for David Young.

Suddenly sounds on the radars in the control room panic blinking and buzzing that it spotted a Pople battalion heading in the O.D.Y HQ area, it stops the members and they are all overwhelmed by the incident that they just stay there looking at the screen in shock and they are weaker because they are missing their leader David and their best warrior Mody, rendering them doomed to death, but while they are looking at the troops walking closer, the battalion just combusted and blew up into ashes, and the members are confused about what has happened, looking at the smoke and a shadow appears it looks like David's figure but it's not him it's walking a robotic walk and it had this evil red glowing eyes, like two glowing rubies in the middle of a coal pile.

And in one frame the shadow figure disappeared into thin air and all the O.D.Y members were rendered shocked and a few walked out to check for survivors but all they could find is the ashes of troops, and they did not see anyone in the diameter of the near area.

They all headed back in, and they just waited, and waited for anything but alas

the counter on the screens reached it's final day, by this time they saw the giant beast that is the Earth, heading towards Thea, all of the O.D.Y lost all hope in anything at this point all they wanted was a quick flashing death so they won't need to see whatever happens in a day, unfortunately for the son of David young who's lying inside a hole deep within the Earth waiting for the inevitable death that is coming his way, but he wasn't alone, he was talking to his other consciousness, discussing the strange ability in their head to create another "person" out of nowhere, Mody said to the monster "if David predicts that there will be more than a thousand how will it happen in a short time?"

the monster won't answer him, the motnster just kept repeating "Time, time, time, time time time time! It's time Mody it is time to sleep, I feel the need to sleep for a long time, don't you agree? Its clearly what we need to do".

Mody was confused to what he means by all this talk about time and sleep, but he is certain that the monster just lost his mind, since he was a soldier and he faced

so many tragedies, so he gets flashbacks to the war against the Poples.

Whilst the monster keeps repeating "Time to sleep" and The Mody wondering when he'll stop saying it, as they slowly drift into a deep slumber The monster mumbles "finally.... it's happening", The Mody and Monster sleep in that deep cave and Thea is coming ever so closer to the Earth.

T -10 minutes, a great shake takes place in Thea, the skies of Thea are getting warm orange and rocks fly everywhere, devastation across Thea, people dying North, East, West and South people are in a panic, and in the O.D.Y members were saying goodbyes to each other and wishing David Young and M.O.D.Y good luck where ever they are. People would look to the sky and all they could see is this giant crashing into them, Mody and his other consciousness "The monster" were still in the same cave yet they seem to not react to what is happening in hours a whole planet went from a living to a grave for billions the two planets merged into one but most of Terra was unharmed as Thea was swallowed whole and The Earth had rings of Thean rock and Thean flesh, a whole history of people was destroyed in a matter of hours, music, literature, science, all was gone and no one was left to tell the story.

Mody was still sleeping under the ground after what happened, he did not move from his place suspiciously.

Days and days went by and Mody is still in that hole sleeping, The Earth is spinning in space and all it does is accelerate and attract more debris from Thea, the rings of the Earth are getting thicker and thicker. Months and years passed, Earth's rings are starting to clump with each other, the solar system is getting colder, The sun is bigger and whiter than ever and the Earth is starting to slow down.

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