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You ran through the woods, trying to find Tom. It was your fault that he ran off, and your fault he transformed. You collapsed next to a tree, clutching your bleeding arm.
"Tom!" You yelled, hoping that he could hear you. The woods were eerily silent, no noise could be heard.
"Tom! I'm sorry, okay? I didn't mean to freak out on you! I was just startled. It's just me out here!" You yelled, and with that, the bushes in front of you rustled. Out came the monster no- Tom, walked towards you. He was a few feet taller than you, and alot bigger too. His single black eye stared into your (e/c) ones, his claws covered in blood. Most likely yours. He walked to you, your hand instinctively reached out to touch his claws.
"Tom?" You asked, "are you okay?" His eye drifted down, telling you that in fact, he wasn't okay. He then looked up at you like he was asking if you if you were okay.
"Yeah. I'm fine. Just a small scratch. Don't worry about it." You waved it off, but actually the "scratch" was more like a gash. And there was three of them. Plus they hurt like hell. Your hand was on Tom's arm, you standing to walk closer to him.
"(Y/n)!" The familar voice of Edd yelled, you turning to see him run up to you, with Tord in tow. Tom growled, putting his arm in front of you protectively. Edd got in a defensive stance, his hair and eyes glowing green before he turned into some sort of superhero.
"Tom, back away from (y/n) and turn back." He said, cletnching his fists. Tom then backed away, running back into the trees.
"Wait!" You cried, but he was already gone. You faced Edd, who turned back to normal.
"Are you okay?" Tord asked.
"No." You sighed, looking at where Tom ran off. Edd then placed an arm around you as you walked back to the cabin.
Four Hours. That's how long it was since Tom had ran off and you had returned to the cabin. You sat in the room, with your arm bandaged and feeling better. You sighed as the moon came out from behind the clouds, illuminating the dark room.
"(Y/n)" came Tom's voice, it was like an echo. You turned to him, he wearing a pair of ripped jeans and his feet and chest were bare.
"Tom." You said in return. Tom slowly walked to you, like he was scared to get near you. You nodded a bit, giving him permission to join you on the bed.
"Look, I understand if you want to go home and move out of the apartment." He sighed and sat next to you.
"What are you talking about? I'm not leaving. I care about you Tom." You said, placing your hand on top of his.
"Seriously? But, that means-" he began.
"I like you. More than friends." You sighed, the confession coming out more smoothly than you thought it would.
"I... I feel the same. But what if I hurt you again?" He asked.
"I don't care." You said, pressing your lips against his. He didn't hesitate to kiss back, you both continuing and the burning feeling inside your chest went away.

Monster (Monster Tom X Reader)*ON HOLD**Where stories live. Discover now