._. AGAIN?!

15 1 1

So my friend swifter101yt tagged me awhile ago and im just know doing this sorry XD well here we go

have you ever..

snuck out:no my mom would kick my ass

broke a bone:yep! my left leg

cried yourself to sleep:the night my dad died yey

been arrested:OH HELL NAH!

felt lonely: hasn't everyone?

been depressed: yey sadly 

What is your....

birthday: September 2

biggest fear:spiders

like someone:nope, no crush

love someone:  xgreyxxsxx , swifter101yt ,Bing, Tossie, Soi,and Olivia their like my second family

have peircings:  yey

have tattoos: OH HELL NAH!

party: bitch have you met me i'mma just stay on the internet for now 


artists: my chemical romance, twenty one pilots, falling in reverse, set it off, mealine martinez, and Hazley 

movie: Madoka magica rebellion 

book: Peagusas the flame of olymus

series: Peagusas

colors: black,purple,red and blue

this or that

twitter or facebook: twitter

coke or pepsi: coke

tacos or pizza: pizza

winter or summer: winter it feels some much better than the summer

would you ever...

get married: i want to but idk

have kids: wow wow wow im 12 okay back up i ain't think'n about that yet

swim with sharks: AH HELL NAH!

eat rotten food: nope nope nope nope nope nope nope

marry a foreigner: why not?

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