3: Ferris Wheel

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Max's band was even better on stage with the crowd around. The adrenaline and excitement was higher than when rehearsing. I liked seeing Max so happy and easygoing. Their performance wasn't long, many different bands and artists were playing tonight, so playing time was short. Eventually, they say goodbye to the crowd and make their way off stage. Percy has to break up a fight between crown-goers and I head towards backstage.

"What'd you think?" Max asks once I'm back there. He's wiping his face with a towel and running a hand through his sweaty hair.

"You guys were awesome," I smile, slipping my hands into my jacket pockets. He nods at me with a grin, throwing the towel on a guitar case as he pulls his guitar over his head. I watch as he puts his things away, his bandmates doing the same.

His friends, who I frankly remember seeing around school, keep giving me strange glances. I try to ignore them and keep my mind focused on what's actually happening. But even though what's actually happening is confusing to me also.

Max stands up, putting his case on a pile of other instruments, "Wanna go to the ferris wheel?"

It takes me a second to realize he's talking to me, and I nod quickly. He grins again and walks towards me, putting his hand out for me to take. I stare at his hand, then glance at him. He looks like he's about to laugh at my reaction. I take a breath and hesitantly take his hand. He squeezes it and starts pulling me away from the stage and farther into the festival.

We hit the food section first, and he doesn't give a second thought to stopping and buying some. What right minded person would run right by carnival foods? Neither one of us apparently, as I encouraged his decision.

"Didn't see you as the sugary, junk-food-type," He says with food in his mouth as we keep walking towards the ferris wheel, which is of course on the other side of the huge festival. And of course, he had to buy my food like any other stubborn teenage boy would.

I chuckle, food also in my mouth, "It's what I usually eat, I should be fat."

He shakes his head in amusement, "Me too, I guess I would be if I stopped running from people after I prank them."

I laugh and have to cover my food filled mouth to prevent any unwanted spitting. He laughs at me, handing me a napkin he grabbed from another food trailer. I finish swallowing my food and clean my face up.

I hear him sigh so I glance at him, he's now standing farther from me with a frown on his face. I furrow my eyebrows, wondering why his attitude and behavior keeps changing so randomly. He looks at me, and opens his mouth to say something, but closes it quickly.

I hesitate before asking, "What's wrong?"

I see his jaw clench and I can't read his expression, so I look away before he can.

"It's nothing," He says.

The rest of the way to the ferris wheel is awkward and uncomfortable, but neither of us say anything. Not until we're actually in line to get onto the large wheel. I look up at the tall carnival attraction and suddenly start regretting telling Max I'd come.

"It's not so bad once you're up there," Max says nonchalantly. I force a nod, though his stale tone doesn't do anything to calm my nerves.

As we get to the front of the line, the ride instructor gives off a scripted list of rules before putting the bar down over our laps. And then we're going up. I close my eyes and breathe slowly, maybe Max is right. Maybe it's not so bad. I open my eyes.

I grip the bar and squeal, nope, it definitely was.

Max grabs my hand instinctively, which takes us both off guard, but it doesn't take away any nervousness in me.

"Hey, just look at me," Max says, or more commands. I turn towards him, it's only then I realize how small the cart is and how close we actually are. I try not to let it affect my thoughts or actions.

"Are you afraid of heights?" He asks. My mind is so jumbled I can't wonder why he asked such a random question.

"I don't know, I've never been high before," I answer nervously.

"It's not that bad, okay?"

I shake my head and turn away from him, "You're kidding, right? Do you not see how high we are?"

I look over the edge, but squeal again, pushing myself as far back as I can.

"Hera," Max says, a hint of amusement in his voice.

I turn towards him and he laughs lightly, "Come on, you know it's not that bad."

The way he's looking at me helps me relax a little but then I see we're at the top of the wheel. I close my eyes tightly, another yelp slipping from my lips. Then I feel his hand gently push my chin towards him, "Come on, Hera, open your eyes."

I open them slowly to meet his big brown ones. Gosh, I've always loved those eyes.

His eyes glance down at my lips, and then back up. My nerves go haywire for a completely different reason. Something like worry or nervousness crosses his face, but he starts to lean in anyway.

I can't even react when he pulls back.

He turns away, his hand leaves mine and he separates himself from me as much as he can. My disappointment is much too obvious.

Was he going to kiss me? Why'd he pull back? Did I do something wrong?

We were back on the ground quickly after, and we stayed completely silent. Once we were off the ride safely, he didn't even glance at me before walking away. I didn't know how to feel, so I slowly and quietly made my way back to the stage where Percy was meeting me.

"You okay?" He asks me as I walk up to him. I shrug, making it obvious that I'm clearly not okay.

He wants to ask, I can see it on his face, but he knows better. He knows I'll tell him it's nothing or I'm fine. If he asks I'll just get more upset, and he knows that, because he's my older brother and he knows me that well. So he nods with a frown on his face, but makes sure I'm by his side for the rest of the night. And honestly, it makes me feel better because I know Max won't approach me. If he was even thinking about me and my feelings at all.

But then again, I had no idea how to feel.

Hang Me Up To Dry《Max Thunderman》Where stories live. Discover now