The Blond Shuck Face//Newt

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Prompt: Y/N and Newt are in a forbidden relationship: according to Alby, no one is allowed to date her. But obviously that rule has been broken. Y/N wants more in their relationship, finding it hard to sneak around and pretend that they are not a couple around their friends. Newt starts to have second thoughts, he feels guilty for going behind Alby's back. Can the both of the fix their relationship or will they just have to go back to being friends?

Your back presses into the smooth trunk of the tree behind you, his body pushed up against yours with his soft lips kissing and nibbling onto the skin of your neck. You stifle a giggle, so no other Gladers can hear your forbidden act, before placing a sweet, loving kiss in the middle of his slightly crinkled forehead. His head rises, his brown eyes surprised by your act of affection.

You place a hand on the side of his face, his mouth twists into grin. You love his smile, the crinkles beside his mouth, the way his eyes show you true happiness. He straightens his posture and you let go of his face, his hand taking it into his instead. "What's up, love?" His voice is kind but also concerned.

You divert your eyes away from him and sigh, your voice quiet and uncertain, "We can't keep meeting like this, Newt."

Newt bites the inside of his cheek as his eyes skim over the tree behind you, "You know we can't... Alby said-

You shake your head and immediately cut him off, "Screw what Alby said!" You hold onto his hand tighter, circling the palm of his hand with your thumb. "I respect him and his leadership Newt, you know that, but he can't control my life just because I'm a girl. I make my own decisions."

Newt brushes away the hair upon your forehead and breathes out a long sigh, "I can't go against what Alby says."

"But you already are!"

Newt's eyes flash with hurt, he takes a step back and you feel vulnerable; naked without him close to you. He looks at you and rubs the tip of his nose nervously, his hair having fallen close to his eyes. "You're right, I already am." He brushes the hair away from his dark brown eyes, "So maybe I should stop altogether, huh? Is that what you want?"

You shake your head, "No, of course not!"

"I'm trying the best that I can, Y/N! I'm trying to make you happy because you deserve the best of the best in everything and anything but there are limits to what I can do for you!" Newt throws his hands in the air in frustration and suddenly looks very helpless.

You stare at your hands for only a moment before looking back up at him again, "I want this Newt, I really want this to work between us. But I can't keep sneaking around like this, intricately planning out our meetings, and not being able to show affection to each other whenever we want: like a normal couple!" You take a step closer to him and try to catch his eyes into yours again, "You deserve better than the best Newt, and that is what I'm trying to do."

Newt pushes himself away from you, "Alby is my friend and I'm supposed to support him, and his decisions." He walks around you until he's left the small patch of trees, the only thing you two have as privacy, and limps towards the Kitchens in time for breakfast.

You slowly make your way over, kicking up grass and dirt along your way, constantly wondering whether things between you and Newt are over or not.

Your legs arch up, your right leg crosses over your left, you stare down at the pieces of paper propped up against your thighs. You chew the end of the pencil in your hand while skim reading over the past few pages you've written. Not a diary, as those dreadful things only make you more depressed, but a poetry book of sorts. Or descriptive writing, you can never really tell. It's the only time you feel absolutely comfortable. You remember when Newt read through these same pages, first he laughed at you but as he read he liked it even more and more. In fact, by the end of it, he loved it. Days like those, reading and writing with Newt's head lying on top of your stomach, gave you peace and sense of reassurance when everything else seemed horrible. Newt was always your rock, someone you fell back on when things got tough, what's going to happen now that he could be gone forever?

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