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Footsteps filled the snow that had appeared for the first time in the year of 1824. A young woman was anxiously running from her lover who had abused her for months. She had finally found the strength in all her despair to run away with only her dignity as her possession. She still loved him, the boy who came into her life and turned her depressing days into joyful years of cuddling and walks at the beach. Sadly, the boy grew up to become an irascible man who spared her no glimpse of joy. Every passing day was filled with the same confounding misery of hate and rage that he had toward her. He told her how her existence was the cause of his doings, and how she should be punished for all eternity.  In her mind she didn’t find anything that he told her logical. She was certain that he had gone mad the years they’ve been together.

    Her footsteps were fading as snow covered her tracks. She didn’t dare to look back because he could be following her. She only ran, ran with the intention of getting away. She however didn’t know where to. She lost her friends when she met her lover. She spent all her time on him, they were inseparable. That way she lost all contact with her closest. They all moved away to begin their own lives somewhere else. They forgot her in the process, but she didn’t. Looking back she regrets with all of her heart the decisions she made at that time.

    Her feet was hurting now from all the running. She decides to slow her pace into a light walk. What crossed her mind at this state is that she might not be able to walk much more, knowing that she couldn’t stop before she had found a safe hiding spot. She can’t make it easy for him to find her, because she knew how far he already had gone to hurt her and she’s uncertain about how far he could go if he found her.

    Before her now was nothing but deserts of snow. She could barely see anything besides the snow-covered woods. For some reason she had the urge to run toward the woods and so she did. Her palms grew colder as night reappeared. A shivering sensation appeared within her, telling her she would freeze into nothing if she didn’t find a warm hiding place soon. The pain in her feet withers and she took up running again with a clear goal... Finding a hiding spot.

    The night is now swallowing her gradually as darkness encircles her and her aptitude for seeing fades. Becoming more desperate at this point she takes up her speed to a gear she didn’t know she was capable of pursuing. Running without a clear purpose felt right at this point. Trees and stones, more trees and stones, there’s no end to this course.

    Her speed amplifies as the desperation for shelter increases. Next thing she knows, she’s tripping on a stone and falling. Face first into the callous snow and then the rest of her body. Lying lifeless for a moment before she dared to lift her head. A stabbing pain creased in her face, and it took her a moment before she was able to open her closed eyes. What faced her was a naked field of nothing besides a carpet of white snow. Hopelessness filled her as she rose to her feet again, and pain shot through her leg again and left her feeling numb.

    A moment of silence went by. What now? She thought to herself as she put one foot in front of the other. Looking expressionless out into the fields. Now dreaming of a better place, a place where she could be warm and safe, a place where she would be able to be herself.

    Reality hit her when a green light appeared in the middle of the field. The light lit up everywhere around her, and her curiosity grew alarmingly as the green light got bigger. It looked like the field was about to crack and break into a million pieces. She couldn’t move, she was now frozen to the ground. The cracks grew in the shape of a spiderweb, and the crack was approaching her. Then it totally stopped for a moment. Silence filled the field and darkness was now filling the space around her again.

    She was now able to move and wasn’t quick to turn around towards the woods again, aiming back where she came from. It’s gone... there’s no more woods surrounding her. It just disappeared out of nowhere. She let out a small scream before she fell to her knees in tears. She was lost now, nowhere to go and nowhere to be. Realizing that her stunt of leaving him wasn’t that much of a good idea after all.

    The snow beneath her knee were now melting and her dress was getting soaked in water. Unobservant as she now was, she didn’t realize that the ground had sinked like a trampoline. It wasn’t just the ground that was sinking, it was her. It strikes her when she tries to move, but once again is unable to do so. A swift moment before her head is below surface there is a creaking sound coming from beneath her. The surface dissolves into thousands of pieces and every bit of surface that were beneath her is now gone, and she’s falling into the green light that reappeared out of nowhere.

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