Preference #1

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How you first met...
Damon- you met Damon in the Mystic Grill while you were ordering a drink at the bar a hot guy sat down next to you and started talking to you he introduced himself as the one and only Damon Salvatore.

Kol- you met Kol while in the Salvatore Boarding House, Stefan and Kol were talking and and you walked through the door just as Kol was leaving and somehow you two bumped into each other, he quickly apologised by saying "I'm sorry, oh and by the way I'm Kol" "haha I'm sorry too, I'm y/n" and then Kol left and you avoided the trouble of your brothers obsessing over the fact that you started blushing by running upstairs to you room.

Stefan- you first met Stefan when you went to school, you were walking out of the office while stefan was walking out of the office you quickly walked out of the way and walked right past him without saying a word to him, he did the same. #awkward

Klaus- you were at the Mickalsons house with Rebekah having girl time when all of a sudden a tall handsome figure walked into Rebekah's room to tell you that your mom was here to pick you up, you ran out the door after hugging and saying good bye to your first ever friend Rebekah as you were blushing after seeing her older brother.

So how did you like my first ever real chapter hope you enjoyed please comment if you have any ideas and by any I mean any and I will make a chapter on that topic. BAIIIIIII!!!!!!!!

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