Authors note

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Ok so on Christmas and Boxing Day I won't be publishing and if I do it will be at like midnight also let me know what/how your going to be celebrating Christmas and if you don't celebrate Christmas what your plans are for the holidays:) please enjoy and also stay safe😜 but coz I can here is another preference and also I'm running out of ideas so please give me some ideas and I will try my hardest to add them all in the book with ur name saying that you gave me the idea and also please give me some questions and I'll answer a Q&A the questions can be about ANYTHING you wish for me to answer 😎😎

How you celebrate Christmas
Damon: sitting around the fire place with Stefan and his girlfriend eating food and drinking blood
Stefan: with Damon and his girlfriend eating food and drinking blood
Kol: with his family celebrating yet another year alive
Klaus: with his family celebrating yet another year alive
Elijah: with his family celebrating yet another year alive

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