Imagine #1 (Damon)

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Omg I can't believe that I am the lucky woman/lady/girl/female that is getting or go out with the perfect MR. Damon. Salvatore. Yes today I was going out on my first date with Damon my bad yet very sexy boyfriend, we had been on a date before but this was our first one as a couple and as a date where we leave the house. I was so exited and I couldn't wait to see what Damon had planed for our date.

Damon: it was time y/n should be here at ti...*ding dong* oh that's y/n i vampire speeded down stairs and to the door only to see beautiful y/n in the beautiful dress I brought her when I asked her to be my girlfriend she had also put on the T.shirt I gave her which was matching the one I had on.

Y/n: I'm soo sorry I'm late and that I had to were the shirt over my dress it's because if my Jeramy found out that I was going over to you house dressed in a dress he'd get suspicious and figure out that well we're dating.

Damon: hey don't worry about him nothing will get in the way of your love baby cake not even Elena (and that's saying something)

Y/n:AWW ok:) nothing can stop our love

3rd person view: Damon and y/n kissed and got on with dinner and because it was Friday y/n stayed over until Monday were she had to leave him to go to school:(.

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