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Before the book starts I want to thank you guy again because we are so close to 1K and I cant wait to reach 1K especially because of one person BeautyComeWithAPrice  she has always been there for me and also she is an amazing person who always helps me out a lot. Thanks I couldn't have done it with out you:) and thanks to all of my reader out there. And because of how great she is I dedicate this chapter to her:) this idea was one of hers so yeah let's get started.

His fave feature about you...
Damon: your eyes, he thinks they sparkle like diamonds
Kol: your hair, he thinks it's silkie soft all of the time
Stefan: your lips, he thinks there perfect
Klaus: your nose, he thinks it's what makes you, you
Elijah: your hole body, he thinks it's SMEXY:)

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