Chapter 1
What was wrong with me? Why did I always hurt the ones I loved? Standing before me was my mother. Her dark hair was streaked with gray, probably due to all of the stress I caused her, and her face was wrinkled with tear stains going down her cheeks. This is what always happened. I would do something stupid and then when she tried to talk sense into me I would snap on her and say really mean things to make her cry and regret it instantly.
This time I had gotten into a fight with a girl at school and got expelled. I probably would of only been suspended if she hadn't of needed to go to the hospital. I broke three of her ribs, her right arm and left hand. Plus she got a concussion.
So once mom and I had gotten back home the lecturing had begun. She didn't say anything I hadn't already heard before but that didn't stop me from getting mad. She asked me why I had to fight all the time, why I couldn't talk things out?
"Because I'm the freak daughter of the town drunk. I'm the girl whose dad spends all day drinking and doesn't care how he acts or who sees him. So everyone in this stupidly small town knows that my dad is a no good drunk!" This is when I started yelling. "I have to stand up for myself Mom! I can't just let them walk all over me and say things like that to me. I have more respect for myself then to let them talk down to me like that. Unlike you, who after the divorce, threw yourself into your work so that your boss would let you leave town on 'business' trips for weeks at a time. Just so you wouldn't have to face people and hear what the town thinks about your drunk of a ex-husband and crazy daughter. This is your fault! Your suppose to be here! Your suppose to help me and tell me what to do like any other mother would do. And don't say your sorry because I'm done."
I gave her one last glance before I stormed up the steps to my room. As soon as the door closed tears started to well up in my eyes. But l forced them back because I knew nothing would make her stay home tomorrow, nothing I said or did would change her mind so crying was useless, it wouldn't make her stay home tomorrow, nothing I said or did would change her mind so crying was useless. I needed to get out. Go someplace I could forget about everything.
I still had my clothes on from earlier; black skinny jeans with crosses on them, a plain black shirt that had rips going down the back and a black scarf with light tan crosses to match my pants. I had on light tan combat boots to finish it off. Your probably wondering why I'm wearing all black, I don't always wear black but I do only wear dark colors. I'm just not a colorful person I guess, though others would say I'm showing off the darkness within me. Blah blah blah, so I think I look sexy in black and therefore wear it a lot. Not a big deal. Plus it goes good with my hair that's dark brown with auburn underneath. The only thing not dark are my baby blue eyes which popped with black liner surrounding them. I want to point out that I'm not goth, I'm a biker.
Though I guess wearing black all the time could be a poor choice when it came to living by the beach. Dark colors aren't the smartest idea when it's 90°or more outside, but it's not so bad. Which was why I was heading there now.
I threw my purse across my shoulders and walked down the spiraling stair case and out through the door that led to the garage. My Kawasaki was just after my moms Porsche and came before my 2013 Ford Mustang Shelby GT500. This bike was my baby, I took special care of her, making sure not a scratch was on her. My bike and Mustang were pretty much the only things I liked about my mom working all the time. After all we were the second richest family in town. Not that I cared at all. Having money didn't matter to me.
Jumping onto my bike I made my way to the beach which was only a 20 minute drive. The sun had already went down so it was getting cooler outside to my delight. The helmet I was wearing covered my face entirely so I couldn't feel the sensation of the wind hitting my face, on the plus side though other drivers couldn't see the funny faces I was making at them. What? I get bored.

Falling Blindfolded
JugendliteraturZoey Payge is what you would call a bad girl. She street races, is close friends with gang members and has a bad attitude toward most people which leads to lots of fights. So you could call her a bad girl but really she has logical reasons for the t...