Chapter 4: New Ink

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Chapter: 4

I woke up to the sound of knocking on my door. Who woke someone up on a Saturday morning? Better question, who had balls enough to wake me up on a Saturday morning? I sat up, stretching my arms above my head and grumbled a curse as the knocking continued.

“What?!” I screamed, not wanting to have to get up and answer the door.

Thankfully it opened and in walked Alex. Her short hair was pulled back into the tiniest ponytail I had ever seen and she was wearing a bathing suit. It was a pink and blue striped bikini. Oh gosh, what did she have planned?!

She closed the door and walked over to my bed, plopping down beside me. Alex looked over a me and smiled, amusement clear on her face. “Well my little troll head, you need to go get ready because we're hanging out in the pool today.”

I glared at her troll comment, I know my bed hair is bad, but really? A troll? That's a little harsh.

“Whatever. Fine.” I grumbled as I got up and went to my bathroom to freshen up. I came back out with a towel wrapped around me, humming to the music streaming out of my stereo. I walked into my closet and picked out my black and green bikini. As I got changed I heard talking and peeked out of my closet door to see who it was. Not only did I see Alex and Daniel but also Nick, Logan, and Paul. Suddenly I realized I had just walked through the room with only a towel on and four guys were in there! How to hell had I not noticed them?!

“Um... how long have you guys been in here?” I asked, opening the door up wider since I was now dressed.

“Do you mean, did we see you in a towel?” Paul asked with a wink.

“You really are clueless to your surroundings sometimes.” Logan chimed in like the annoying child he is. His eye didn't look as bad anymore which made me smile evilly.

“Are you missing that black eye Logan? Because I can give you another one.” I offered, my evil smile growing. This cracked everyone up, except for Logan of course.

“Shut up Zoey.” Was his genius comeback.

“Alright you two, lets get out to the pool!”Alex exclaimed before I could say anything back. She grabbed my arm and pulled me down the stares and out the door to the pool, with the boys following behind.

My pool is giant, of course only the best for my mother. Alex went straight to tanning while the guys took turns jumping off of the diving board. Should I tan with Alex or have fun with the guys? Well there's the fact that I don't tan for me to take into consideration, I don't even burn most of the time and when I do, I just go back to pale. Because of this I decided to jump into the pool.

I walked over to the diving board and all conversation in the pool halted as the guys turned their attention on me. I gave them my best smile and climbed onto the board.

“Let's go Zoe, we don't have all day.” Nick called from the other side of the pool. I couldn't help but notice how attractive he looked in bathing shorts, showing off his muscles. His blonde hair was sticking to his face and his blue eyes popped.

I raised an eyebrow at him. “I'll go when I'm damn well ready to Nicolas.” Paul snickered at this, Nick hated being called by his full name but I could get away with it since he liked me. There for I said it a lot just to get on his nerves.

“Yeah, yeah just hurry up Sunshine.” He called back, obviously trying to get back at me by calling me a name I hated.

“Nick, my friend. You just signed your death wish. She's going to kill you once she gets the perfect opportunity.” Logan warned him chuckling.

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