Getting Ready ⭐

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'Uhhh, can't you sit still for a moment!' Sarah gave me a tap on the head and I stared back at the ground-the way she positioned me earlier. She was busy doing my hair. Her nimble fingers worked swiftly and expertly, creating the most flattering coiffures.

'You're done' she said smiling proudly and lifted my chin with her fingers making me look into the mirror.

'Wow! you did it beautifully. Thank you so much!' I gasped with amazement.

'So, the credit goes to?' she grinned knowing the obvious answer.

'Sarah Williams' I chuckled and she hugged me to her close embrace.

I was in Sarah's room. Both of us were getting ready for the birthday party of Lisa Froy which was going to start in a few hours. Lisa was our dear friend, she's a tiny blonde with green eyes who invited us more than a thousand times for her birthday and to be frank I and Sarah were much more excited than her!

'Sarah, stop fiddling with your phone and help me choose my dress!' I swayed two frocks in her direction. Without answering, she kept her phone on the table and moved gracefully to cedar chest opening it carefully. Her eyes scanned all the dresses present in it and then she held up a beautiful black laced frock, 'You'll look pretty in this one!' she smiled confidently.

'But its yours and..' she cut me off in the middle of my words.

'Its completely okay, we have the same size and it'll suit you. Believe me, you are going to look pretty in this one!' she smiled broadly revealing her pearl white teeth.


'Go and try it' she pushed me towards the washroom with a stern look plastered on her face.

*After some time*

'Sarah?' I stepped out of the washroom with a broad grin. Sarah lifted her head from the cellphone and looked at me with wide eyes, 'Chloe!!' she almost screamed 'You look beautiful!' she said breathlessly.

'I do?' I blushed at her compliment.

'Yeah, you look different!' she switched on the camera, 'Stop it Sarah we're getting late, you can take the pic later. Save your battery for the birthday!' I warned her but till then she already took some of my pics.

'Are you girls ready?' Sarah's mom walked into the room. 'You look pretty in that dress Chloe!' she smiled looking at me. 'We should leave now, its already six! I'll drop you at her place and then do some shopping..come downstairs!' she said and then walked out of the room.

'Lets go!' Sarah jumped from the bed with her feet barely touching the ground and did a little dance. She was really excited! I almost fell down from the chair laughing at her weird behavior.

'What is so funny?' she asked sarcastically.

'Lets go!!' I said without replying to her question and made my way downstairs.

Sarah's mother was waiting for us in the driver's seat. 'Get in. Fast!' she said and both of us jumped into the car with great excitement. We didn't say a word to each other during our way to Lisa's place. I looked at Sarah and smiled. She was again the cheerful and high spirited girl whom I met more than three months ago. After that incident with Antonio she always remained conscious about every small thing but she has agreed to move on with her normal life. It took away almost all my strength in making her understand. I looked at her again and this time she caught me, 'What?' she smiled. 'I'm just happy!' I smiled back and turned my head towards the window. It was drizzling and for me drizzles are the start of something new though I was not aware of what awaited me. Maybe something beautiful!

Author's Note: Thanks for reading!! 

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