i'll pray for your souls

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My thoughts are toxic.

They have invaded every inch of my veins,
they want to be out in the open.
But I seal my mouth shut and hope to god
I don't have to smile.

They want to be expressed,
to be marvelled upon,
by gullible souls who still believe that words can heal their broken hearts.

But I dare not pick up that pen.
For if I scribble down the letters and let them free,
they will ruin you too, darling.

They will make you believe.
They will make you see magic in things,
and paint the darkness a seductive shade of red.
And you won't be able to resist.

Because my thoughts are toxic,
and the words will poison you,
inhabiting the darkest corners of your minds,
and never letting you forget,
they'll haunt you.

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