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Hello everyone!

So, as you might have noticed, I haven't updated my story for a long while now. I update at the maximum when I see that more than a month passed, because the chapter is ready by then... usually.

I had to reduce considerably my time for writing because I have been busy with university, which means that it's already October and sadly I haven't even finished the next chapter of Rogue Oni. I might be halfway through it though, and my tests are going to be done this month, and my assignments have to be submitted this month too, so I will attempt to finish it by the end of the month.

So here are some previews. Please wait patiently for the chapter >.< I planned to write two more chapters, an epilogue and some bonus chapters about Kaguya and Ryuuji, and maybe Megumi's parents. I want to finish this before the end of the year.


Takumi looked at her and smiled. He grabbed her hand and pulled her a little.

"Ta-kun?" She said in bewilderment.

He placed his hand on her waist and bent down before lifting her up. Megumi immediately clung to his clothes.

"Woah, what are you doing?" She whispered.

"It'll be faster this way." He told her.

He jumped, and it almost seemed like he was glinding in the wind. His legs were moving, but he moved so effortlessly that Megumi almost thought that they were floating in the air. He carried her, jumping from roof to roof, for a long time, until Megumi finally recognised some buildings.

Takumi landed in front of a house and put her down.

He smirked and said, "We're here."

Megumi looked at the house with huge eyes of marvel. It was her house; the one that was built on her father's old land. She had bought the plot of land back not too long ago.


"Shit..." Okita cursed as he winced in pain. He probably pulled something he should not have. The pain was burning him. He used Megumi as leverage to keep sitting.

"Souji!" Megumi exclaimed in an alarmed state.

"I'm fine..." He said as if he was convincing himself.

A bitter look on Megumi's face was enough to show how bad she felt about being unable to appease his suffering. Okita felt bad, and he sure found it unpleasant.

"What a pain." He complained. "I didn't use to worry about a lot of things before... but now I feel like I have to worry about you. Everytime I feel stressed about something, my thoughts always end up to you... and then I feel anxious."

Megumi looked down apologically and swallowed.

"That must be love, right?" He questioned.

It sounded like a rhetorical question, so Megumidid not say anything. 



P.S. Sorry for the wait...

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