Chapter 4 - Cole

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Chapter 4


   I wiped the sweat from my brow, while my feet pounded the pavement rhythmically. My muscles started to burn, but I was used to it so I pressed on. I turned the corner on my usual route and ran down the palm-tree-lined street. I could smell the salty air that drifted up from the ocean below. Next to one of the many gated houses, I noticed a moving van was parked outside of a house that had been vacant for several months, as well as one two houses down. I wondered who was moving in, but I didn’t take the time to stop. Instead I kept to my route, turning another corner where I could see the ocean water. I passed my house and took a second lap.

            This time as I rounded the corner, my attention was focused on the two houses. I saw two figures, but because of the darkness I couldn’t see their faces. As I got closer I realized they were both women and when I passed them by I got a quick glimpse of their faces. They can’t be older than twenty.

            I raced back towards my house anxious to tell Brice the news, instead of taking my usual third lap. I hopped of the front steps of my house and as soon as I entered I could smell my dad’s hard alcohol lingering through the house. I walked down the hallway past Zane’s closed door and thought, he must be painting again. I continued on to my room and quickly closed the door behind me.

            I pulled out my phone and speed dialed Brice. I sat on my bed and waited while it rang.

            “Hey mate, what’s up?” Brice answered.

            “Only a bit of news I thought you might like to hear,” I told him haughtily.

            “Dude, it better be good.”

            I paused in thought. Should I really tell him? Or keep it to myself? He is kind of a pig… “Remember those two houses on the Terrace?”

            “Yeah… what about them?” he said, not getting where this was going.

            “Well some people are moving in to each of them.”

            “No way. But why is that important though?”

            “Because of who’s moving in…”

            “Is it Britney Spears? She’s a total hottie,”

            “No you drongo*! Why would she move here?”

            “I dunno.”

            “Anyhow, it’s two girls. Probably about 18 or 19.”

            “Seriously? Dude we’ve gotta meet them.”

            “I’m going to try to talk to them tomorrow, see if they want to come to the party.”

            “Sounds good to me. But what about Teresa? Won’t she get mad?”

            “Not like she’s my girlfriend. I can do as I please,” I said with a shrug; not like he could see me though.

            “Did you hit the bottle store#?”

            “Yep. I got enough beers for all of us.”

            “Grouse%, mate!”

            “Did you make sure to invite everyone?”

            “Yeah… except your weirdo brother. Is he coming?”

            “I invited him. Who knows if he’ll show up though. I think he needs to get some friends.”

            “Probably true.”

            “Well I’ve got to go now. I’ll see you tomorrow. Maybe I can introduce you to those girls.”


            I hung up the phone and stuffed it back into my shorts pocket. What should I do now? I spotted my football in the corner of my room and decided to take it outside. I hopped down the steps and walked out into our small backyard. I threw the ball to the ground and then kicked it up with my toes. I volleyed the ball with my knees easily as my thoughts drifted away.

            I wonder what those girls are like? I guess I’ll have to introduce myself tomorrow. I started thinking about my little brother Zane and how he always seemed like he knew who he was and what he wanted. Sometimes I wish I knew like Zane did, but of course I would never tell him that.

            I tossed thoughts around my head but most of all I wondered about the new residents and what they would be like.

*Dunce, stupid person


% Cool, great, terrific.

& Goodbye

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