~Chapter 2~

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How was my first chapter? Any good? I really want to know what you guys think cause it means everything to me! So how do you think Scarletts pack is gonna react to finding out that SHE is the Alpha of the worlds best pack? Will Jace fight to get her back? Lets find out shall we??! and remember COMMENT, VOTE, FAN!!!!!! <3 Love you my amazing readers!


I watched as the truck headed out of the woods of California and back to my child hood home. I left as 16 and am returning as 18.  Having to train the WolfBain pack, means we would be staying here for a while, meaning most of us had to finish our Senior year with the other pack. That is except for Leila who had graduated early thanks to the fact that she is super smart, and  Chad wasn't happy leaving his mate at home alone so he finished early to. I'm glad though because that means I can leave Emma with them, instead of someone from WolfBain pack.

      We had been driving for what felt like forever but I knew it had only been a couple hours, my old home wasn't that far away. Me, Kyle, Nick, Brad, Jarred, Tyler, Anna, and Emma had all squeezed into the four cars. While Leila, Chad, and Emily, had all rented a moving van, carrying anything that would be needed. My motorcycle wouldn't have been a practical transportation on this road-trip because of the long drive. It was tied down in the back for now, Emma was asleep in her car seat next to me. She looked even more adorable when she slept and I'm surprised she was able to sleep at all last night considering how shaken up she had been.

      We had only packed the necessities, we could go shopping when we got there for furniture and such. The council told us that they had plenty of extra space and that they actually had a whole floor for just our pack so we could have a little privacy. They had 5 rooms in total, 2 rooms with 2 beds, 1 room with 1 bed and 1 room with 3 beds. It had already been decided that the twins would share a room, Emily and Anna would share a room, Leila and Chad would share, and then Kyle, Jarred and Tyler would share the last one. I would share the bedroom that only had one bed with Emma.

      We were all fine with our room mates. I hadn't realised I had been in my own thoughts for over an hour until I realised we were already only a mile away from my old pack house and Emma was now awake.

       Our cars were definitely a sight. Anna along with Nick and Brad had taken my red Diablo. Jarred and Tyler drove Kyle's blue Diablo. And then you had Emily, Leila, and Chad in the moving van, with Me, and Emma in the black Tacoma truck, driven by Kyle. We pulled into the drive-way of the pack house, when Anna stepped out of the red Diablo with Nick and Brad, I watched as the one person I had dreamt about for months after i had left and still did walked up and shook they're hands. Anna shook her head blushing and pointed to our truck with the tinted windows. I took a deep breath when Kyle opened my door like a gentlemen and stepped out.


  I hear them coming, be nice, these people are very high ranked, even the council respects and fears them. I quickly sent to my pack through the mind link as soon as I caught the sound of cars on our gravel driveway.

     Isn't the seducer they're Alpha? I heard Trent ask and knew that every single male wolf in my pack was hoping that they were her mate. Yes, but you are to respect her. Understand? I used my Alpha tone and heard each of them mumble a yes or something along those lines.

    I don't know what the big deal is, she's probably just a little slut. Why does she need to teach us how to fight? We havn't lost one battle yet. I heard Melani sneer through the link and rolled my eyes. She hated any competition and didn't look forward to being around anyone that could be  even a little better than her. Truth is she sucked at everything, fighting, being a housewife, school, and being a girlfriend. I had dated her until that day Scarlett ran off.... Scarlett. After she had left I had stopped dating, broken up with that pathetic excuse as a girlfriend Melanie.

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