~Chapter 3~

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So I have had 21 people read my first chapter but only 3 comments, one of which was mine by the way :p I really need your guys's input on this, If you think it's good let me know, If you think I could improve something then let me know (in a nice way please) and if you don't like my story then just don't read it. Anyway so here is another chapter and I hope you all like it! VOTE, COMMENT, FAN!!!!! you'r all amazing <3


Kaleb layed down on the ground for the second in ten minutes. We had chosen sparring partners and he had wanted to see if I was as good a fighter as everyone claimed. To be honest I was a way more experienced fighter which easily gave me and edge, not too mention he looked as if he had just gotten his wolf under control instead of sudden outbursts which is normal for wolves ages 2 or 3 to 13 or 14. Big mistake on his part, challenging me. I still had a lot of tension thanks to Jace and no good slut Melanie that made it her personal job to be his stalker.

Kaleb had been trying not to hurt me so I went easy on him but then his wolf pride had taken control and I actually had to use some effort. The first time I had embarrassed him was when he had charged me and I had ran up a tree and did a back flip to where I was right behind him and as soon as he had turned I had made and easy contact to his jaw with my fist in a quick and easy strike. I felt bad taking out my emotions on the pup but to be fair, he was the one dumb enough to challenge me. He had recovered and we continued our duel, captivating every pair of eyes in the clearing of the back yard.

He had made another flicker of movement and I was tired of circling and so I had faked right causing him to throw all his defense to one side and resulting in me making a quick dash to the left, round housing him right in the side of the abdomen. I had only knocked the wind out of him, I didn't want to cause any long term damage. I was relieved after about 3 minutes of regulating his breathing he stood and gave me a respectful smile.

"I'm so embarrassed." He chuckled, "I just got my ass handed to me by a chick, a totally hot one too." He walked over to a stump and drank some water.

I heard a couple growls to my left and saw an angered looking Jace and Mich, Melanie looked very put out that someone was able to draw the attention from her. I fixed all of them with a glare but my eyes softened on Mich.

Everyone, now starving and sweaty, started to head inside to eat. They had ordered pizza and I could smell the intoxicating cheese and sauce with pepperoni, my stomach growled in torment and I started making my way to the house. I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned, seeing a half dead looking Mich. I had avoided talking to him and looking at him but I knew we would have to talk sooner or later.

"Scarlett...." His voice, shaky and unsure, trailed off as he looked at the ground, guilt clouded his features and I felt like wrapping him in a hug and crying into him but I knew that he felt sorry and I couldn't let myself forgive him yet. I rested my hand on his shoulder and gave him a sorta reassuring smile. In return he lifted his head and gave me a half smile, hope flooding his eyes.

"I forgive you Mich, I sure as hell can't forget." I gave him a pointed look and he frowned slightly. "But I forgive you and hope that we can have some form brother, sister thing if not at least friends." He gave me a huge smile and then turned sheepish as he confessed to me.

"I found my mate....." I smiled a huge genuine smile and wrapped him in a hug that he returned eagerly. 

"Who is it?!? Do I know her?" I was so excited.

"It's Anna...." His voice once again faded as he anticipated my reaction. I actually squealed and jumped for joy!

"Oh my gosh. Does she know yet? Are you gonna talk to her??????" I hoped that they were going to end up happy together unlike me and.....Jace. I saddened as I realised he would never want me and that I would never have my happy ever after.

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