The Unwanted Gift ; Chapter 2

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Will and I walked into our dorm together.  “Gosh I hate I here,” I mumbled.

          “Don’t hate it here just because of one stupid boy. Don’t leave, Avangalenne,” Will pleaded.

          “Okay,” I blushed and smiled.

          “You have a pretty smile,” Will laughed, still looking at me with is electric blue eyes.

          “Where have you guys been?” Cambrie asked. The sound of her voice made me jump.

          “James trouble,” Will sighed. He made it seem like this happened a lot. Like James always got in this sort of trouble.

          “Oh my goodness. Avangalenne, are you okay?” Cambrie asked with concern.

          “Yeah, I am fine. I just want to go to bed,” I crawled into bed and closed my eyes. I was ready for bed and I am also ready to leave this stupid school.

          “Someone likes Avangalenne,” Cambrie whispered not realizing it wasn’t that quite of a whisper.

          “Cambrie, you know I have a girlfriend. I like her and only her.”

          To be honest, that was a little disappointing to hear. I mean I know I just met him but still, he tried to kiss me and he has a girlfriend. He is super cute. I mean piercing blue eyes, dirty blonde skater boy hair but all but that just goes to show that he is a player. As soon as my head hit the pillow I was out like a light.


          I am in what looks to be a cave. I look around and all I see is dirt and a lot of rocks. I turn around and see – my dad – in chains, “Dad!” I screamed running as fast as I could to him, but no matter how fast I run, I can’t get to him. I keep screaming dad as loud as I can, hoping he will see me, he never looks at me, not even once.

          I wake up in a cold sweat with tears running down my cheeks, “Are you okay, Avangalenne?”

          “Ye – Yeah I am fine. Just a bad dream, I – I’m okay,” I said wiping my tears away from my cheeks.

          “I know what you mean. I have the worst dreams, too. Don’t tell anyone, but I have dreams that… That tells the future or something that happened in the past. I know it sounds really weird but it’s true and sometimes they can be really scary to where I can’t sleep for a while. Like when you came in the room and Will said it was about James I was freaking out. Will said he knew you were in trouble because he heard me say your name and ‘James’, or at least that’s what he told me.”

          “Really?” I said in complete shock. Dreams that can tell the future, weird.

          “Yeah, but at the end of my dream, you weren’t saved.”

          After I woke up, I went and finally took a shower without any problems. There were like 50 showers in the bathroom along with about 50 sinks! I would think that’s a lot, but there are like 2,000 girls that go here! Luckily I got here early enough to where there were only a couple girls here. The shower was so refreshing, I felt so clean. When I got back to the room there was no one here. I threw on sofies and a t-shirt along with the cowboy boots my dad got me. I grabbed my map of the school and took myself on a tour – by myself. I was kinda hoping Cambrie or Will could go with me.

          I don’t even know where to start with this school. There were so many places to see it is unbelievable. I started off at the library since it was the closest place to my dorm. There had to be at least a million books in here. It’s huge! I went to the fire section since that’s my specialty. I grabbed a random book and sat down at one of my many tables and got to reading.

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