Chapter 7: fun with the new host

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Note that I changed the name of freshasite POV to fresh's POV for the beginning of this chapter. That was not an accident. You will start to see things like this often in my books, pay close attention. This is foreshadowing.

-Fresh's POV- I fell asleep early that night. Which was weird for me, I'm a parasite After all, I don't need sleep. I don't get tired. I don't have dreams... Except for tonight. Where images were bouncing around in my head. I saw me and my brother in a skatepark. I was training him to ride his first skateboard. I saw undying there. I said hi and so did my brother. I think he had a bit of a puppy crush on her. Heh cute. Although I don't think he was actually paying much attention to my lessons, he was too... Distracted at the moment. So... Long story short, he ended up falling of the board in front of her and was so embarrassed he ended up crying too. We both rushed to start comforting him. And then dad arrived. And I carried Eren home. He fell asleep on my chest and I put him down on his bed to sleep. And I climbed up to my bed to sleep too. I don't know why. The next day, dad came into our room and told us that undying would not be seeing us anymore. He told us she was in the hospital and that it was our fault. Error was devastated for weeks and refused to leave the house. And we never saw her again. What a horrible thing to say. I woke up.

-enter inks POV- I was sitting in a blank space

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-enter inks POV- I was sitting in a blank space. I don't remember how I got here or why I'm here or who I was. I don't remember anything. I was wearing some pretty weird and colorful clothes. Other than that there wasn't really anything else around me. Everything was blank, white, and bright. It kinda hurt my eyes. Your an artist ink, and this is your canvas. Uh! Wha! Who said that! We are the voices of the creators. We created you to be our artist. You are the guardian of creation. Guardian of what? Creation. But you are not ready for that yet. There are three other guardians in the anti-void alongside you. The guardian of destruction, protection, and determination. Two of which have already met. And there interactions where desirable to our intentions. You will meet both of them very soon. Oh... Uh? Which two will I be meeting? Do not be afraid ink sans, they all have a special purpose in life. Always remember, everyone deserves to live. Besides, it is not the guardian of destruction you should be worried about. But... Ok. Where am I then? (Yo in the totes radical anti-void place. Names fresh brah, and who R U there my home slice bred slice!)

 Names fresh brah, and who R U there my home slice bred slice!)

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It... He was creepy, glitchy, and... Colorful? He just didn't look right to me. Who... Who are you? Wait are you one of the guardians? What guardian are you? Are you the?... (Whoa whoa whoa there buddy, easy up on the questions. Yah I'm one of em. Who's askin?) um... I'm ink. Uh... They said that I was the guardian of creation or something like that? He wouldn't hurt a fellow guardian right... Is that a rule? What even is a guardian anyways? (Well than, in that case it's nice to meat ya, any yo, I don't really know ether. They jus' brought me 'ere. But don't ya worry pal, they told meh not to hurt ya. I'm thah gurd-yo yo protection.... I guess? Never really found out what this radical Brodsky was supos' be protec'n all that. And fo what.) oh. Ok. Have you met any of the other guardians? (Pff nah, but I herd there where two others. Sounded like they got-a-long great. Heh heh. Any yo yo, I gatta go. This hosts soul's really weak and I gatta go eat. Catch-ya on the flip side my new lil buddy. Dinners a ringin.) host? What did he mean by... Hey wait! No use, he skateboarded away and into a colorful rainbow vortex and disappeared.

-Freshasite POV- welcome back fresh. Yo my peeps, how we all doin on this super rad day? You did a good job today. How are you feeling? Heh y'all know I can't feel anything. Good. We have a present for you. A gift for lil old me? Hmm wonder whatcha got. First you have to complete a little mission for us. Oh? Heh, I should have guessed. Alright what do ya want now? Oh nothing special. I... We would like for you to test out errors... Abilities, to see them for ourselves. Oh, ya mean like a joyride or sum'in like that. But uh... Once I leave this bod, won't he turn to dust like all the others? Don't worry about that. We already picked an old au for you to infect. The genocide run has already happened here but the sans was left alive. We want you to defeat him in battle using the powers of your current host. Then we want you to take that sans as a host. After you are done, we will give you more instructions.

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