Chapter Six: The Smell of Home

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Hey guys!

Benjamin on multimedia as well as Taylor Swift  Begin Again song because if you listen to the lyrics, it honestly fits perfectly with this chapter.

Enjoy your reading




We ended up going to a little coffee shop.

Which I couldn't find more perfect.

I didn't want a fancy restaurant or a silent movie theater.

I wanted to be just us.

He stood in front of me, holding the door for me to enter first.

"You ok?" he asked

I smiled.

There was something about this guy.

I nodded and passed through the glass door, thanking him along the way.

It just didn't make any sense.

The air smelled of fresh cookies and warm coffee.

We made our way to the bright counter and ordered.

"I'd like a medium coffee, please" I said to the young cashier ginger girl.

She typed something on the keyboard.

"Excellent. How would you want it?" she asked politely

"Black" I replied

She wrote it down in a paper and looked up to Benjamin.

"Same please" he ordered

I reached for my purse to find some money but Benjamin's hand stopped my movements.

"I got it" he said confident of himself

I chuckled

"I would like to remind you this isn't a date, pretty boy" I said "So I will pay for my drink, thank you very much"

"Isn't it a date?" he asked handing the money to the cashier girl, oblivious of what I just said.

"No, it isn't" I said stubbornly, crossing my arms over my chest

"Oh well, too late now" he said grabbing both coffees and handing over one to me.

I rolled my eyes and made my way to an empty table with him trailing behind me.

We sat down.

I could feel the eyes of the curious people at the shop.

Probably wondering why the hell we were dressed so fancy in a place like this.

Or why we were drinking coffee at twelve in the morning.

It didn't matter to us.

I reached for the sugar.

"So, Erika" he started "Tell me about you" he said resting his head in his hand like a little boy.

I chuckled.

"Am... What do you want to know?" I said placing a lock of hair behind my ear, sipping my drink.

He smiled.

"Everything" he said excited "What do you do for a living?" he asked, also sipping his drink.

"Well... I work as an editor in a publicity magazine" I said. "I've been the company for about six? Seven years, and I honestly can't complain"

I love my job.

"Interesting, why do you love your job?"

Who did he


Did I say that out loud?

I blushed. 

"It's just such a creative space, you know? Everyone is talented and nice. I feel like an artist there" I said smiling "I haven't feel like one in a long time"

"Since the kids were born" I wanted to say

He looked at me confused at my comment but thankfully didn't asked about it. 

For some reason, I didn't want him to know I was a single mom.

I knew he'll just get scared and leave.

It happened all the time.

I knew it was wrong but, a little selfish part of me wanted this.

Wanted an opportunity.

A chance to talk to a grown man without fearing he'll walk off the first chance he gets when he knows.

So I just brushed it off and continued to look at him.

Is not like this is going anywhere after this.

"I know what you mean, I like my job very much too" he said.

I raised an eyebrow.

"Really? What do you do?" I asked.

"I'm the CEO of an architectural company" he explained.

I opened my eyes widely.

He chuckled at my expression.

"I know it's not what you'd expect" he said.

I most definitely did not.

Why would a man like him be interested in me?

I'm awkward, and easily stressed and just simply a big mess.

In everything.

So I grew interest.

"Tell me something no one knows about you" I said randomly, sipping my coffee once more.

He looked surprised for the question but took his time thinking the asnwer nonetheless.

Then he said the one thing that made me completely hooked to this dreamy blue eyes guy.

"I absolutely adore Friends" he admitted.

I bursted out laughing.

"Well, who doesn't?!" I said continuing laughing.

"I mean, I can watch every episode at least ten times and I swear I will laugh just as hard as I did the first time"

"Obviously dude" I said "Friends' is like, the best TV show ever created!" I threw my hand in the air as a clear gesture.

"I know! Like, c'mon Ross! I don't care if you were on a break or not, you cheated on Rachel!"

I think he just won me over.

I picked up my cup with a smile.

Maybe this was a date after all.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2016 ⏰

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