Chapter 7

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Jessica's POV:
How did he find out who I was? What's he gonna do? I think I can take him but all his men are in the other room if they hear fighting then they are gonna come in with guns lots of guns, what am I gonna do?
"Answer me! Your real name is Jessica Gibbs and you work for the FBI don't you?!" He shouts in my face, he still has a pretty tight grasp on me I don't answer which makes him punch me in the face, I fall to the ground I take this as my opportunity to escape. I swipe my legs under his making him fall to the floor I straddle his waist and hold him down he struggles but I'm able to keep him down, I take my phone from my back pocket and ring Fornell to tell him my cover has been blown.

After three rings he answers
(F=Fornell, J=Jessica)
F- Fornell
J- its Jess my cover has been blown I need backup at my location and fast
F- how did your cover get blown?
J- I haven't got time right now Fornell to answer your stupid questions just get your arse here now
F-fine fine we're on our way

The conversation is interrupted by Lewis over powering me and switching our positions my phone is knocked out of my hand as Lewis punches me a couple times one in the stomach and one in the face I let out a small scream, I can hear Fornell shouting down the phone wanting to know what's going on and if I'm okay.
Lewis get up and picks up the phone cutting it off, as he does this I jump up and punch him, I push him against the wall kneeing him in his special place, he hunches over still trying to get to me and I knee him in the nose making him grunt. He falls to the floor and I go to his desk and get a pair of handcuffs that he normally uses to torture people, i push him into his stomach and pull his arms behind his back, as I handcuff him there's a knock at the door "boss is everything alright in there?" One of his men ask, "he-" Lewis says but I cut him off by putting my hand over his mouth but the man barges into the the room and looks straight at me with an angry expression and before I know it he charges at me.

 He falls to the floor and I go to his desk and get a pair of handcuffs that he normally uses to torture people, i push him into his stomach and pull his arms behind his back, as I handcuff him there's a knock at the door "boss is everything alrig...

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Lewis's face ^
I hope you like this chapter and please vote and comment let me know what things you would like to happen to Jessica and do you like badass Jessica?

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