Chapter 11

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3rd person:
The paramedics decided to take Jessica to hospital, she refused but Gibbs made her go. So Jessica is currently sitting on her own in a room bored waiting to be able to leave.

Jessica's POV:
I'm so bored seriously they could t even give me a magazine and because of my dad I'm not even allowed to go get on. I'm currently sitting on the bed looking out the window when the door opens and in comes Fornell looking pissed, brilliant.

"What's got you pissed off Fornell?" I ask not really wanting to be in the conversation but what can you do.

"I'm pissed because that scumbag Lewis has escaped!" He says raising his voice.

"What!! Your telling me that I put my life on the line, went undercover to catch this guy and he somehow escaped! And your telling me that your pissed! He knows I work for the FBI he knows what I look like what I name is he could come after me and the people I care about and your telling me your pissed off!" I shout getting out of the bed and getting my stuff.

Fornell stands there a bit shocked that i shouted at him but then realises what I'm doing "where are you going?" He asks.

"I'm not gonna sit here like a scared defenceless child, I'm going to find that son of a bitch and bring him in and I don't care what you or anyone says you are not stopping me" I say angry.

I turn around and go to walk out but walk straight into hard chest, I look up slightly and see my dad.

"What do you think your going?" He asks sternly

"I'm going to find that son of a bitch Lewis before he tried to find me and kill me as well as everyone I care about you included so if you wouldn't mind move out of my way" I say rudely

"No you are under witness protection now seeming how you were witness to some of his crimes and that fact that indeed he might come after you, you are staying right where I can see you" he stares at me and I stare right back.

"Don't your dare try and tell me what to do I am trying to protect you! Why can't you see that!" I shout

"Yeah well what about you huh I'm trying to protect you Jess I'm your father I'm supposed to protect you not the other way around" he shouts back

"You did a damn good job of being a father when you went off the Mexico without telling me right after you lost your memory I was worried sick dad and now your telling me that your supposed to protect me then where were you for all those months huh cause you damn well weren't protecting me then" I shout "you didn't even bother to call me" I say more quietly a bit hurt I feel my eyes starting to water and I barge past my father and walk out leaving both him and Fornell speechless.

Sorry for taking so long to update I've just been really busy with school and family stuff that I haven't had a lot of time to update but I hope you enjoy this chapter and please vote and leave a comment.

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