Chapter 2

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"What did you guys talk about?"

 I smiled at my best friend, Angie. She was the same age as me, only sixteen. We were wondering around the halls of our school before our fourth period.

"Nothing interesting. I just directed him to my house," I lied smoothly.

I remembered everything we had said on the way to my house. I couldn't tell Angie that though. She would think I'm foolish. She would call me crazy for thinking about him more than necessary.

"Wow. What's he like?"

  I stared at her as we walked up to my locker.

"What do you mean," I asked, frowning.

"What's he like. Is he cool? Is he kinda lame? I hope he is, I hope the legend that is Harry Styles is just fake. Is he lame," she asked again, stumbling over her words clumsily. I giggled and reached in for my Chemistry book.

"No he isn't lame," I noted, my breath hitching in my throat as I saw him walking down the halls, towards us. Not directly towards us, but in our direction which was good enough for me.

"He's really interesting actually. Intriguing," I said, smiling as his eyes met ine and he breezed past us, his two best mates at his side. I had always payed attention tohim. Granted, I never ever thought I'd say one word to him, but I always saw him. 

Everyone else just avoided him. I really saw him. He never touched the orange juice for some reason and he seemed to be really interested in English. His two friends were always smiling, making him laugh, the kinda laugh where he throws his head back and closes his eyes. The laugh where he looks so beautiful I could die.

"Rose? Rosie?"

I snapped out of my trance and looked at Angie, waiting for her to talk.


"What were you staring at? We'll be late if we don't get a move on," Angie pointed out making me nod and close my locker, running alongside her towards our Maths classroom, knowing we'd be late.

"Well. Angelia and Rosalia. You two will meet me here for detention after school. Do not be late."

I nodded and took the little pink slip out of Mrs. Huffs hand.

"Today we'll just take notes, quietly. Eric do not pass that note on, come on up front!"

I smiled and took my seat. Everyone hates this class. Although its not so much the class as it is the teacher. Everyone hates the teacher. She's never in a good mood and I can't help but wonder why. I would hate to think that there's something terrible going on at home for her. She seems like she could be a really nice lady.

"My mum will kill me," Angie said as we walked out of the Maths classroom at the end of the day.

"She will not. Calm down, its only detention," I said, trying to calm her down, but probably failing. Angie is perfect. She get's perfect grades, perfect everything. She's the definition of perfection.

"Okay here we go, how does this work," Angie asked, her brows furrowing.

"I honestly don't know Ange, just go with it, okay?"

Angie nodded, giving me the okay to open the English classrooms door where detention was being held that day.

"Well hello, you guys are early. Take a seat, no talking, no texting," Mrs. Huff said, scowling at us as we signed in, and then walked to the back of the classroom taking a seat in the second to last row, next to each other.

"I'm scared," Angie said, frowning. Her eyes were darting around the room and I couldn't help but feel sorry for her. She wasn't used to detention, truth be told neither of us were; I was just holding up better than her. She had a spotless record before that day, so did I. Her parents were a little harsher than mine though.

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