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hoseok lay on his bed, earphones plugged in, allowing the notably erotic music to play in his ears. as he intently watched the way the camera zoomed in slow motion into his face, then taehyung's, then around the stage dramatically, he wondered how in the name of actual fucking hell the vine had managed to hit almost a million loops overnight.

he scoffed as it began playing again from the beginning, before deciding to focus on the more important matter at hand this time. the man sat up, squinting down at the phone and watching the video carefully, blinking multiple times to adjust to the random jerking of the camera.

if kim taehyung had, after all, managed to sneak in a meme face, then all his efforts would have gone to wasteㅡbut as he watched, the boy only smiled and nodded as the leader spoke, clapping occasionally with the crowd's cheers.

hoseok nodded in approval, pulling out the earphones and simultaneously cutting off the questionable tune. he sighed, rubbing his temple. if he caught himself humming to the song later in the day, he'd know who to blame.

he looked back down at the phone, mouth twitching into a grin. even if taehyung had managed to break into a disturbing facial expression, it would have gone unnoticed thanks to the hype his staring had caused.

he hadn't planned it, of courseㅡthe after effects of simply keeping an eye on the unpredictable member had been completely unexpected. when hoseok had decided to intensely stare at taehyung for the entire duration of the concert, he'd never had a worry about taehyung's worst concernㅡbeing shipped. the poor boy had gotten unnecessarily stressed, hoseok thought to himself with a smileㅡmembers were being shipped together all the time, and for good reason too.

besides, the fans had never connected the dots before . . . why would they this time, when he wasn't even involving feelings in his staring for once?

the man frowned, swinging his legs off the side of the bed. he remained in this motionless state for a solid minute, before sighing in frustration and pushing his fingers through his hair.

so there are feelings? he asked himself bitterly. you finally admit to it?

no reply.

answer me, goddammit.

with a start, hoseok realized he was, a) talking to himself like a fucking idiot, b) waiting for an answer from himself like a fucking idiot, and c) had not noticed the extremely loud pounding on the door like aㅡ

"fucking idiot," he muttered inaudibly to himself, before calling out, "STOP TRYING TO BRING MY DOOR DOWN AND KNOCK LIKE A NORMAL PERSON, YOU DUMB FUCK!"

"WHAT IF I WANT TO BRING YOUR DOOR DOWN, YOU DUMBER FUCK?" came an angry shout, and hoseok jumped to his feet, immediately recognizing the voice's deep tone to belong to none other than kim memehyung himself.

"taehyung," he said pleasantly, casually getting to his feet and walking up to the door. he stood in front of it in amusement as a loud thump emanated from it in what sounded like the other launching himself against it with his full body. "what brings you to my humble abode?"

"let me in your humble abode and i'll tell you," taehyung replied gruffly, breaking off multiple times mid-sentence in a pant.

"how about no," hoseok replied, then sighed as a string of badly thought-out swearing ensued from the other side of the door. he waited for taehyung to stop to catch his breath, and once supplied with the oppurtunity to speak he said quickly, "i don't want to die tonight, tae."

"nobody's going to kill you, hyung," taehyung said, him struggling to keep his tone calm evident in his voice, and the handle of the door twisted multiple times from hoseok's side.

"i beg to differ," hoseok replied, stepping towards the door. "you are. if you weren't, you would've just yelled at me through text. and stop turning the handle, it's not going to make me unlock the door," he added, placing his hand around it and holding it firmly.

taehyung could obviously feel hoseok holding a grip on the handle from the opposite side as he had not, in fact, stopped trying to turn it and would have been able to feel hoseok holding the handle in place, and must have assumed that this was an unspoken challenge for him to attempt to turn it fully, for hoseok found himself using both hands to prevent the knob from moving, despite the presence of a fully functional lock. sue him for having a competitive spirit.

he finally shook his head and raised his hands in defeat, simultaneously releasing his grasp on the knob. he stepped away from the door, watching the handle move in its place for a while before it stopped completely, taehyung having realized that hoseok had stopped resisting his handle attack due to the lack of effort it required him to turn it.

"are you done?" hoseok snapped, massaging his wrists warily. "or you want a round two?"

"there is no round two, hyung, because i just won," taehyung shot back. hoseok rolled his eyes in response.

"whatever." he turned away, seating himself back on the bed and reaching for his earphones. if the boy wanted to bang away at his door, so be it. he'd just have to block him out.

"hyung, why won't you just let me be?"

hoseok froze, one hand raised to insert a earbud. he lowered his arm slowly, gritting his teeth in an attempt to bite back the retorts rising up in his throat.

why won't you let me be?

why won't you stop being such a fucking blockhead and read the signs?

and if your thick skull can't manage that, why can't you at least stop being so . . . you? the you that i'm so hopelessly in love with?

hopelessly. me. that's what you've reduced me to.

you know what, i'm done with your bullshit. fuck you. i'd rather you stayed mad at me if that meant i wouldn't see that stupid smile of yours and feel that fucking rush of blood to my head.

hoseok opened his mouth.

"do you like being called an alien?"

he regretted it faster than he'd ever thought possible.

silence from the other side. hoseok got to his feet weakly, jogging for the door with a dizzy feeling sending his thought process into havoc. he fumbled with the lock, unable to do so fast due to the trembling and sweatiness of his fingers. "shit, shit, shit, shit . . ."

he finally succeeded in unlocking the door, swinging it open. "shit, tae, i'mㅡ"

the hallway was empty.

hoseok took an unsteady step forward, looking left and right, then released a shaky breath and leaned against the door frame.

"ah, fuck."

[ + ]

me & my brother have had so many contests with each of us on either side of the door trying to see who can open it fully & he always fucking wins & its so frustrating & idk i'm rambling bye

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