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hoseok wished he hadn't kicked taehyung in the face.

maybe if he hadn't, he wouldn't have been turning his hotel room upside down searching for a first-aid kit, a bandage, a band-aid, a tissue, an anything, muttering apologies under his breath while taehyung seated his ass on the bed smugly, hand clutching his bloody nose dramatically for added emphasis.

he hadn't meant to kick him that hardㅡhis mind had just been so clouded by anger and disbelief that his leg had moved on its accord, serving a swift kick to the face of the boy who was spouting a jumble of words, and whose face was conveniently positioned right next to his foot.

hoseok let out a frustrated sigh, slamming close the drawer he'd been desperately rummaging through. "nothing."

"maybuh i should jus' go bag to muh rum and forget dis eber habbened."

the older took a moment to interpret what he'd said.

"don't," he whirled around, storming to his open suitcase that he'd never bothered to fully unpack, "you fucking dare. i'm not having any of the other members seeing you with a face like that. they'll get the wrong ideaㅡor you'll give them the wrong idea."

"does sebendeen ninjas seem like tuh much?" taehyung mused. "maybuh ten is more beliebable."

"i said don't you dare." hoseok looked up from the suitcase with a frown. "dude, can't you think up something better than that?"

"seben ninjas, den. jesus fudding crud, dis really hurds."

"i'm sorry," hoseok blurted out involuntarily, biting his tongue right after uttering the words. it wasn't fair, he'd been the one with the upper hand just a few minutes agoㅡfor all he knew, taehyung had probably intended for all this to happen. a bloody nose must have been more than worth it if it meant he had apology rights over hoseok for the next couple centuries.

taehyung merely sniffed in response to his apologyㅡa pretty lousy sniff, too. "so am i stuck in here undil muh nose fully heals?"

hoseok considered this for a moment. "yes."

"dat could take weeks."

"it's just a nosebleed, man up," hoseok huffed, finally emerging from the suitcase with what he considered the ugliest shirt in his inventoryㅡand it wasn't even that bad. he looked over it mournfully, before taking the material between his teeth and tearing off a nice big chunk of the sleeve.

"whad you doib'?" the younger piped up curiously, leaving the bed to crouch next to hoseok, who made the mistake of looking over at him. his nose was swollen and bulging red, blood trickling down his chin. hoseok turned away quickly, a fresh wave of guilt washing over him along with the urge to reach out and wipe that disgusting shit of his face because damn it was gross.

"i'm sorry," he mumbled softly. taehyung's eyes widened, staring down at the mangled shirt in alarm.

"you should buh! whad the fud, jung hosuck hyu'g? i really liked dis shird!"

hoseok blinked. "iㅡ"

"if you didn't like it, you coulda giben it to muh!"


"it doesn't madder, i'll take it anywuh. good thi'g i don't mind torn clothesㅡ"

"just dab your nose with this and shut the fuck up," hoseok cut in sharply, throwing the sleeve into taehyung's hands. "go lie on the bed andㅡwait, i recall something about . . . blood flow . . . or something . . ." hoseok willed himself to remember, massaging his temples. his head snapped up. "right, uh, tilt your head backㅡforward?ㅡso don't lie on the bedㅡ" he flopped his hands down in defeat. "dammit, i need a seokjin."

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