The dream

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Authors Note: Sorry I haven't updated in a while!  :-(. Had to catch up on school stuff. (:-P). But I just updated a new chapter I hope you will or did enjoy. (;-D). Anyway, happy not really Halloween! Yay! Yaba-Daba- Do! *Flintstone crashes through my door. "Hey you stole my catch phrase!" Sorry. Hope you like the story so far. (Talking to the readers. Not talking to one of the Flintstones).

Ruby texted Livy as soon as Raph left.
Ruby: hi Livy can you come to my house
Livy: why?
Ruby: a large piece of glass cut a deep scar in my leg
Livy: oh ok.
Livy: how was the date. Was it romantic. ;-)
Ruby: kind of (:-l)
Livy: what happened?
Ruby: my date fell on top of me
Ruby: then later I fell on top of him
Livy: when u fell on him did u guys kiss (>:-D)
Ruby: no
Livy: did u guys kiss at all?
Ruby: no
Livy: do u even like him?
Ruby: ...
Livy: you do like him!
Ruby: I never said that!! (>:-O)
Livy: >:-)
Ruby: well. when I fell on him I stared into his eyes. When I stared into his eyes I had this weird feeling inside of me. I just wish I knew what it was. Have u ever had this feeling?
Livy: Ruby that's love <:-)
Ruby: no
Livy: yes
Ruby: nooooooo
Livy: yeeeeeees
Ruby: shut up! Anyway can u come to my house plz!
Livy: sure but I don't wanna be the 3rd wheel (:-P)
Ruby: LIVY!!!!!!
Livy: just admit that u love him!
Ruby: >:-O
Livy: Livy out
Livy helped Ruby with her injured leg with her first aid kit. Once Ruby's leg heeled she decided to get some shut eye. Then she had the weirdest dream...

"Ruby..." Said a mysterious voice. "Huh?" Said Ruby confused. It was pitch black. Then a light shined down on a girl. She had midnight blue hair. She was wearing a pitch black strapless short dress. Her eyes were a purplish red. She had devil red lipstick and dark purple eye-shadow. She was wearing black boots and had a dark reddish wand. "Wh-Who are you?!" Yelled Ruby. "Sorry for not introducing myself. I am MoonLight." Then MoonLight walked over to Ruby. "Ruby. I am your magical guardian. It's really rare to have a magical guardian. So you are very special and lucky. Anyway It is my job to give you my magical abilities when you have the feeling or thought of love. Any questions?" Said MoonLight making no face expression. "I'm confused. I have a magical guardian? And what thought of love did I have?" Asked Ruby confused and curious at the same time. "It is too hard to explain to a mortal. But I will try." Said MoonLight. "Only a small portion of people have magical guardians. You are one of those people in those small portions. All magic guardians have to protect you from harm unless it has something to do with the thought or feeling of love or mating. But when a person with a magical guardian has this feeling or thought then when they sleep they go into their guardians world." "So this is your world?" Asked Ruby. "Yes. Everything is invisible though." Explained MoonLight. "In a magical guardian's world everything is invisible to a humans eye. Anyway, once the person goes into their guardian's world then they get granted powers. Powers the person's magical guardian picks. I am not going to repeat myself so I hope you were listening." Explained MoonLight still with no face expression. "But I didn't-" then Ruby stopped and thought about Raph. That feeling. Livy was right. It was love. "Now. I hope you understand. Anyway I will grant you the power to shape shift into any creature possible, make the dead become alive, and being able to fuse with anyone you please. But remember. On the full moon you will transform into a vampire and anybody with blood flowing through their skin you will suck their blood. The only way to turn you back to normal during the full moon is by true love or true friendship or both." "Wow. How do I control these powers?" Asked Ruby. "It is up to you to find out. Ruby GoldHeart. It is up to you." Answered MoonLight serious. "How do I fuse or shape shift?" Asked Ruby again. "Like I said before, it is up to you." "But-" "Have a good nights rest. Oh and also... Do what your heart tells you. Promise me that.".  "O-ok." Said Ruby startled. "I promise that I will do what my heart tells me to do." Said Ruby putting her hand on her chest. "Thank you. Have a good life. Good night!" Said MoonLight smiling a small smile. Ruby was surprised the girl even smiled. "Bye..." Said Ruby as everything became darkness again. Then suddenly she was in space. "Hello?" Said Ruby scared and confused at the same time. Then she saw four turtles. All different heights. All with different colored mask and ninja weapons. One of them looked like Raphael. Ruby just stared at them confused. Then space turned in the inside of a Halloween bag. Ruby had shrunk. Then a giant little girl dressed as StarFire yelled "WAKE UP!" "Huh?" Said Ruby confused and amazed at the same time. "WAKE UP RUBY! DO YOU NEED CPR?! RUBY!!" Then ruby woke up.

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