Chapter 1

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     “Roxy you are the best friend I have ever had!” I screamed over the theme music for Monday Night Raw. We had ring side seats that my best friend Roxy got me for my birthday for Monday Night Raw live in Las Vegas.

     “Happy 21st birthday Taity Tates!” We hugged and sat back down waiting for the actual event to start. A huge smile on my face 1 because of the childhood nickname she used that she hasn’t in years and 2 because I’m actually here. The lights dimmed and the ‘Long Island Iced-Z’ came out.

     ‘Woo Woo Woo, You know it!’ fireworks explode and out steps the one, the only Zack Ryder, his clips role and music plays as the crowd explodes. Zack stood in the ring waiting for his opponent, Wade Barret, to come out for their no count out, no disqualification match. Wade stepped out of the back and the arena started to boo the entire time. Wade and Zack went at it for a while and when the outcome looked the worst for Zack, everything switched around. Roxy and I were on our feet screaming for Zack to get back in it when another theme started and my heart stopped.

     ‘I hear voices in my head…’ Randy Orton ran out and into the ring to save Zack from perpetual doom, and get revenge on Wade because of a story line they had been doing the last few weeks. Throughout the few seconds after he came out, I stood there still as a corpse, I couldn’t scream, my heart had stopped and my breathing was inexistent. Seeing him this close after my school girl crush for a few years has brought me into a comatose state. Roxy was, for the most part, screaming enough for both of us, though she had no idea what for. When I finally came around I was screaming and yelling enough for the arena. 

     The match finally ends after Randy delivers a ‘RKO’ to Wade and while he is temporarily immobile, Zack gets the 3 count. The shock on Ryder’s face was priceless to find he won. Randy picked up Zack’s hand and held it up showing the victor to the half of the arena I wasn’t in, and they went wild. Randy smirked and chuckled to himself and to Ryder.

     Yet when he turned to show Zack to my half of the arena the smirk disappeared off of his face, taken over by complete shock. I was laughing with Roxy and making fun of the people around us and in the ring, oblivious to the world around us when all of a sudden Roxy’s laughter left her to be replaced by a smirk. I was questioning her until a rough voice sounded from right behind me. I jumped from the sudden noise and then I heard his chuckle.

      I turned around to find the spotlight on me and Randy Orton right in front of me chuckling at my shock. And I thought I was in a comatose state just seeing him from a distance.

     ‘Hey,’ wow he has a sexy voice, ‘Hey?’ I see him look down and mentally slap myself for actually wearing my apex predator shirt that I personally altered; giving it a less imaginative state. I silently zip up my dance team jacket to avoid his continual stares. He smirks at me and winks.  A blush appeared on my face and I looked away towards Roxy. I give her my, ‘oh great look at what you got me into,’ look and she laughs and told me to just enjoy it. I roll my eyes at her and chuckle I mentally went into my own world while I hear some people talking to Randy and him arguing back.

     Seconds later I let out a scream that could wake the dead. Why, maybe for the fact that within seconds of me being laughed at I was in air and being lifted over the rail separating the crowd from the stars by really strong hands. Or maybe it was the fact that after that I was carried bridal style back, to where everyone gets ready by none other than a cocky Randy Orton. We left yelling and screaming people behind us as ‘Voices’ played through the sound system.


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