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She walks out of the car carrying some bags with her and she sighs having a shy look on her face. "Hey u-um guys, can someone open the door m-my hands are kinda f-full" someone walks up to the door and slowly opens it not seeing a thing. " hello?" She walks in looking around. "AAAHHH" someone jumped out infront of her. "A-AAHH!" She falls to the floor and starts crying dropping all the bags. "Scarlett!". Scarlett looks at the person who said her name. "Stop scaring fire! Shes gonna have a heart attack one day if you do that again!". "Dont tell me what to do zake your no fun" scarlett looks at zake mumbling a bit and walks off". Zake helps up fire. "You ok?" Fire just nods acting shy like always. "Well good" zake picks up the bags walking to the kitchen. "Are these the groceries?" Zake said. "Y-yea" fire said still looking shy. "YES FINALLY" someone yells running into the kitchen. "Dark calm down we are all hungry" Zake said looking up at dark since hes really tall. "well can someone make the food now? I need something in my belly" Dark pats his stomach and laughs a bit. "I-ill try to cook today" Fire said. "Alright but wheres jax and winter?" Zake said. Jax walks in with puppy pjs looking really tired. "Guys is food ready and i need coffee badly..." Jax said with a slow tired voice. Dark looks at Jaxs pjs and starts wheezing loudly. "What! I was up all night" Jax said. Someone hits Jax in the back of his head waking him up a bit. "WELL SLEEP MORE DUMMY" the person said. "Dont yell please winter!" Fire said looking more shy. "WHAT IM JUST HUNGRY" winter said. "I-im gonna cook" fire said. "GOOD" winter walks to the couch shoving her face in a pillow. Jax rubs his head from winter hitting him. "Ow" Jax said rubbing where winter hit him. "Ill just make pancakes today i-if thats ok" fire said. "Yea thats ok!" Zake said being nice to fire. Fire starts to cook and dark watches fire drooling being really hungry. "Dark stop being a creep!" Scarlett pushes dark a bit. "Also youll get your drool on the food! No one will want that especially me" Scarlett said shuddering. Dark crosses arms and rolls eyes at scarlett. Jax falls asleep on floor. Zake waits patiently for the food and Dark waits impatiently with his stomach growling. Scarlett looks bored and looks at winter on the couch. "EY WINTER WHATS UP?!" scarlett yelled across the room to winter. "SHUT UP YELLING IS MY THING" winter yelled back at scarlett. Jax wakes up a bit with tears. "Why" Jax said.

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