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Hi! I'm Khushi. I'm 24, recently graduated with a Master's degree on Accounting. I live with my parents, being an only child. Next door, lives my best friend and most favorite cousin, Payal, with her parents.

For years, all I've ever wanted is what the typical girl wants - love. But, unfortunately, my kismet just didn't have that. I never met Mr. Perfect. All my life, I looked for that distraction, yet it never happened.

And now, finally graduating from school, my parents are trying to push me into the next phase of life - marriage. See, once I became 20, my parents began to urge me to get married. They said something like when a girl turns 22, then they're apparently "too old" for marriage. What crap!

So I told them that if they continue to, then I'll run away. Of course, they didn't believe me, so for an entire 24 hours, I had disappeared. That was an interesting day though. I spent my day going from one friend's to another's place and spent my day in the city.

So my parents budged and agreed to my terms - not to bug me about marriage until I get my master's. And since I did, it was like my parents were finally released from a slingshot!

And so, the proposals began. My mother let everyone know that they were looking for a groom for me and to tell them if they knew of any eligible bachelor. And so, people came in with many proposals. To think how many people they know. Yeesh!

My parents now have a list and we're going to go meet these people. But let me tell you, I'm not so much of a "tamed" girl. I mean yeah, I can be cutesy and quiet and calm and shy, and all those things! But if there's something that bothers me, then I won't hold back; I will say something.

But I'm hoping- desperately hoping, for my Mr. Perfect to be discovered in this little "quest". I mean I've never had a boyfriend! Don't I at least deserve a little bit of love, if not a lot?

Well, whatever it is that's in store, I'm ready for it. So all you men I'm about to go meet, you better. Watch. Out ;-)

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