Chapter Twenty Nine

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After a quick nap and having had a quick shower, I changed into a red sari so that I would look presentable to the family. Arnav had changed into a formal shirt, pants and waistcoat. It wasn't long until we'd be arriving, and when the plane finally landed, it felt like such a relief to be home.

"Ah shit," Arnav grumbled.

I turned to him and saw that he was on his phone. "What's wrong?"

"The paparazzi somehow found out that we're back and are waiting outside."

Paparazzi? Well this is definitely new. I mean so far, I haven't encountered any.

"The car is waiting for us outside, so it shouldn't be too much of a hassle." He put his phone away in his pocket and turned to me, placing his arm around my waist. "Ready?"

"Ready, " I nodded.

With a kiss on my forehead, Arnav led me off the plane and to the car. Once all of our luggage was placed in the trunk, the driver pulled away.

As soon as we were about to exit the airport, a clash of paparazzi came running to the car, and I was shocked. Luckily the windows were tinted or who knows what kind of pictures they would've gotten of my face, but the driver quickly moved along, honking at them to move aside. Cops came around and tried to shoo them away and once we were in the clear, the driver pulled into traffic and took us home.

Well that sure was an experience.

It wasn't long before we arrived home and when we got to the door, everyone was there, waiting for us, and it was so good to see them. Nani welcomed us in and as soon as everyone stepped back to make way for us, Arnav swooped me up into his arms and Di, Nani, and NK began to whistle. Blush filled my cheeks as I remembered the traditions and buried my face within Arnav's chest as he took us straight up to our room, all the while he smirked away.

When we got to our room, Arnav placed me down on the bed. "Well that went better than I expected."

"What do you mean, did you not hear them whistle?"

"Yeah, but knowing them, I expected dhols to go off and for them to start dancing," he said, crossing your arms.

I looked at him, dumfounded. "You're joking right?"

"You'd be surprised."

Just then, workers came in with our luggage and set them inside our room. Once they did, the rest of the family came in and joined us. We briefly spoke about our travels before Nani told us to get some rest, and so they left us alone. To be honest, after the nap we had on the plane, I wasn't feeling so tired and neither did Arnav. He decided that he would do some work in his study and I stayed behind in our room and watched TV.

About an hour had passed when there was a knock at the door. "Who is it?"

A worker opened the door. "Didi, there's someone here to see you."

My eyebrows met in the middle in confusion. He stepped aside, revealing a very happy Buaji.


Dashing out of the bed, I ran over to her and hugged her and she squeezed me in return.

"Oh my gosh Buaji, what are you doing here? I thought you guys weren't coming till tomorrow, that's what Amma said when I last called her when we were still away?"

"Well she thought it would be better to let you two rest, but I know my Sanka Devi really well."

Oh Buaji! "Come in, sit!"

I shut the doors, led Buaji out to the poolside, and we sat down at the table.

"So sanka devi, tell me about your honeymoon," she grinned, wagging her eyebrows.

Buaji will forever be the same, and honestly, I never want her to change. I told her almost just about everything, keeping the, er, rated xxx stuff out of it. But of course, I did admit to her that Arnav and I had consummated our marriage, and it nearly blew her through the roof with excitement! I don't think she's ever hugged me as tight as she had when I told her this, in any other point of my life before.

"Oh I am just so proud of you Khushi! You're truly a woman now!"

I rolled my eyes to that, but then again, in a way, she did have a point.

"So everything went perfectly then; not a single problem at all."

"Well... it wasn't exactly a problem, actually there weren't any problems but...."

"But what titalya?"

With a sigh, I told Buaji about the night of our revelations. I told her how I had told him the truth about my adoption, and Buaji was stunned, looking at me wide-eyed. I even told her about Arnav's revelations after having her swear she can never tell anyone and take this to the grave, though I k ew she never would tell a soul.

"...and after these revelations, I dunno but... it just... it made us become closer than ever."

"I... wow, um...."

I looked at Buaji in shock - it wasn't every day that this woman could be stunned.

"I'm... I'm glad that it brought you both closer, I really am but...."

"But what?"

"I'm processing all of this information and something is just poking my head. Remind me again - you're 24 and he's...?"


"He first met that woman when he was 16, you said?"

"About, yes. So?"

"Ironic isn't it that around that time, you also learned the truth about your birth mother?"

"How is it the same- oh shit... you're right!"

Buaji's right - Arnav and I are basically about four years apart, so when I was 12, he was 16, meaning when I discovered the truth about my mother, that was when he met....

Wait...oh no... holy fucking shit!

"Buaji... a scary idea just popped into my head."

"What is it?"

Shit, shit, shit! "What if... w-what if some how... the woman he was involved with is m-my... my birth m-"

"Khushi, don't be ridiculous, that would be way too much of a coincidence! And remember, when you wanted to learn about her whereabouts and we hired that private investigator, he uncovered that she had been in Miami for years, not here. How could she possibly be that woman if she's across the Atlantic ocean?"

Buaji had a point - that woman had been staying in Miami for years and years, so she couldn't possibly be the same person who Arnav was involved with.

"Seriously Sanka Devi, you really are crazy."


"Listen, if you're going to be crazy then just be like Beyonce and be crazy in love, that's it."

"Oh my gosh Buaji, you're so corny!"

Buaji scowled at me and I couldn't help myself but to laugh. Ugh, I honestly missed this woman.

We both continued to talk away, when Arnav came back. He came over and joined us, sitting beside me. Buaji and him hit it right off, and seeing these two people who I love very much, get along so well, made my heart bloom.

Buaji wasn't spared and she joined us all for dinner. This was really my first time having dinner with the family, and honestly, it was perfect. Whether it was the funny antics of NK, Akash, or even Mamiji's, or the cuteness of Di with jeejaji, or the way Nani and Mamaji teased the others - it was all just so good.

I really am lucky to have this family. And based on the look Buaji had, she seemed to agree as well.

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