Chapter Three

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Another day, another proposal. This time we went to a very big house, that looked like a frigging mansion. And by judgement of spec clean, all shiny, extravagant decor, I know this type as well - rich folks.

Workers were everywhere and we were brought in by one to be seated in the living room. The four of us waited and then in came an elderly woman, looking about my mother's age or older. She was in, what looked like weighed a ton, sari, with way over the top makeup to make her look white, and OD lipstick.

"Welcome to my home," she smiled.

She walked in and seated herself down in the middle of the sofa in front of us.

"That man painted in the portrait above the fireplace is my late-husband."

Wait, she's a widow? And she's dressed like this?

"Allow me to let you meet my son."


"Shekar! Shekar beta!"

In came a guy in jeans and a button down. Outfit, I like! But he was on his phone and continued to be on his phone, making my parents and Buaji glance at each other.

"He's such a busy man," his mother said. "Ever since his father passed away, he's taken over the family business and he's always busy," she gloated.

"Always," I asked.

"Of course! I mean if he doesn't, then we'll be one of the poor-riches," she wailed.


"Well we can't be poor! If we're poor, we'll loose our house and I'll loose all my jewelry and clothes!"

I stood up. "Sorry, but I don't want to marry into an arrogant family."

She shot up. "Excuse me?"

Everyone else got up.

"Khushi," Amma warned.

"Sorry," I said again, "but for someone who is a widow, you sure are overdressed. Though I don't agree that a widow should become an outcast and wear white, I do think she should at least have some respect of that. The way I'm thinking it, it seems like to me that you married your husband for just his money."

She gasped dramatically and place her hand at her chest like a drama queen.

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, we're leaving."


Since that didn't go well and Amma didn't like my attitude, though Buaji was proud, we didn't go to any others. The week after, we went to another one, meaning guy number four.

"My son Bantu loves to eat," his mother beamed.


"He loves Indian, American, Thai, Chinese, French, Italian-"

"Please don't say anymore," I said nicely.

The guy looked at me. "What can you cook?"

"Excuse me?"

"Well to get his needs, we want a bahu who can cook a variety of things," his mother smiled.

A little boy came in with a tablet in his hands.

"Um, excuse me? Little boy?"

He turned and looked at me, pushing his glasses up.

"Yes," he simply said.

"Hi. May use your tablet for just a minute?"

He nodded and came over to me. He gestured me to lean down. Once I did, he whispered in my ear.

"Don't marry my brother," he whispered. "You're too pretty and all he does is eat."

I looked at him and smiled sweetly. "You're so sweet."

"I know," he said, looking proud, and I had to giggle.

He handed me his tablet and I quickly went on the Google Chrome app, seeing he was connected to Wi-Fi. Once I was done, I handed Mr. Fancy Feast the tablet.

"What is this," he asked, looking at the tablet like he has no idea what it is.

Ugh. Slow on technology? Oh hell nah! Definitely can NOT be my husband. I want an upgraded husband, who knows good technology.

"That's a tablet. And the site, is Food Network. There you can search up an kind of dish. Indian, American, Italian, whatever. And you cook it yourself."

His mom and him looked at me while the little brother snickered.

"You don't need a wife," I smiled really sweetly, "you need a chef."

I got up and looked at my folks. "Shall we leave?"


At dinner, we were all laughing.

"Seriously Kajol, where did you find this guy," Buaji asked.

"Mrs. Verma told me about him Jiji! What did I know?"

We laughed again.


Week after week, we went to numerous guys' houses. It was insane! And none of them went under my approval! One seemed okay, but he had a girlfriend and I didn't want to come in between that. So that was another one out the door, making it a total of 31 denied.

Sigh... this is too much.


We had dinner together and talked about the day. This time it was quite interesting actually. They had the guy and me go talk alone and he confessed to me that he thought he was gay. When I told my folks that, Amma nearly freaked! We laughed about Amma's actions and she felt slightly embarrassed.

Once dinner was done, I went to my room and sat on the windowsill.


I turned and saw Buaji at the door.

"Aiye na, Buaji."

She came in and stood in front of me. "Ka soch rahi ho?"

I sighed. "Nothing. Just that...."


"Well, Buaji, I... I thought even though my whole life I've never had a boyfriend, I thought... I thought I'd at least meet Mr. Perfect through this... this "hunt", if you wanna call it that."

I told Buaji everything ever since I was little. She was one person I very well trusted. And Buaji always heard everything I had to tell her. Be it some drama at school or just some school assignment.

"It's okay Titaliya," Buaji said, "you'll find him."

"And if I don't?"

She gasped. "Then what is your Buaji here for?"

I giggled. "You're the best Buaji," and I hugged her tightly.

"You too," she smiled and then let go of me. "Now quickly go to bed. You have an interview tomorrow."

I gasped. "OMG Buaji, I completely forgot! Holy...! Crap! What am I going to wear?! I completely forgot, now I have nothing to wear and if I don't have anything to wear, I'll end up being naked! And if I end up being naked, I'll go outside naked. And if I go outside naked, I'll go to the interview naked. And if I go to the interview naked, what will they think of me?! And-"

"This is why I call you 'Sanka Devi'," and she hit my head. "Pagal! I have your clothes ready."

I hugged her way to tightly. "Oh Buaji, you're the best! Where'd you put it?"

"Behind... your... closet door," she breathed.

Oh, I'm suffocating her, aren't I? I quickly let go of her and went to my closet. I saw the white blouse and black pants she had set for me.

Great! Going for the official business look. And of course accessorize a bit, if I may =D

"Are you ready for tomorrow," Buaji asked.

"You bet," I winked.

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