Chapter Forty Eight

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Since we weren't tired whatsoever, we decided to get a few things to munch on, and Arnav brought some coffee as well. We reseated ourselves by the poolside, keeping all of the food in between us.

"So," Arnav began, reaching for his coffee, "What else do you want to talk about?"

"Um... well I was hoping to talk more about her."

Arnav nodded, taking a sip of his coffee.

I reached for a Madeleine and placed it in my mouth, the sweet buttery taste spreading all throughout my mouth. I thought about what I wanted to talk about next, and then finally decided. "Tell me more about that last time you spent with Kinjal. I believe you said you broke things off with her about a week before you met me?"

"Yeah, it was like a week before you and your family came over the first time. Di first approached me about marriage and how they were pretty serious, so I accepted it because I knew one day or another it was bound to happen. When I met girls and dated, I never thought long-term with any of them. So I knew whoever Di chose, she would be choosing that person for all of the right reasons, so that's why I wasn't so fussy about it, so to say.

"Because of work, I didn't get to see Kinjal immediately, it was like a day or two later that I finally went over. Mind you, we were going through one of those split phases - so like those times when I would ignore and avoid her, like when I was in a relationship, and I wouldn't see her for some time."

"Oh... so prior to that time, when was the last time you saw her before that."

"I don't know... few weeks."

"How come?"

"Simple, she was trying to use me for my money again, and I wasn't going to allow it."

"What did she want this time?"

"A phantom, custom interior."

I nearly choked around the Madeleine I was eating. "Excuse me? Custom interior? Rolls-Royce Phantom?"

Arnav nodded. "Definitely not the first car she tried to get out of me. Back then I was an idiot and got her the Ferrari but-"

"Ferrari?! What the-? What the hell does she need with that?"

"To get around," he shrugged. "I mean, I'm pretty sure that's what a car does," he joked.

"Well no shit, but what the hell does she need one for-? Uh, not important, not important," but I was mostly saying that to myself. "So she tried to use you for your money, so you showed her the hand?"

"Yeah, basically," and then he scoffed. "I love how my dumbass was able to step away from her when she tried to use my money, but I couldn't step away from her from her toxicity."

I reached out and rubbed my hand over his shoulder.

"I'm an idiot."


Arnav just shook his head and placed his coffee down, and picked up a mini butter croissant. "I just showed up to her house without warning, and she just thought I was surprising her or something, or that I was breaking first and ending the squabble between us. She didn't even listen to a word I had to say, and just grabbed a bottle of wine and got two glasses, then poured some for the two of us. I thought that at least if I got some alcohol within her first, it would make things easier for me. I drank that night, but I took a few sips here and there, and she managed to just down glass after glass. I knew she was just trying to get into my pants again by getting me drunk, and possibly try again to get that phantom out of me, but I knew her games all to well. So every moment I got, I would dump some wine out of my glass to make it seem like I drank it. I had like maybe one glass of wine that night and she... actually I don't even remember how much she had. She definitely at one point started to drink tequila because her drunk self was very excited for her new car."

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