Sing alongs and bad haikus

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Nico's POV:

"I really like you.  You're cute and sweet and real hot.  Oh, and kiss me please."

A blush crawls up my cheeks.  I can't believe Will just shared a haiku about me to the ENTIRE FUCKING CAMP.  He is soooooo embarrassing sometimes.  Actually, more like all the time.

Everyone's clapping for him, but I see the looks on their faces, saying "That haiku sucked, oh my gods."

Will takes his seat next to me at the sing along.

"Hello sweetie, did you enjoy that?" Will asks me, putting his arm around my waist.

He's so warm on my cold skin.  Uggghhh how am I supposed to tell him that his haiku was bad?

I can't.

"It was nice of you to write that for me," I lie.  I'm glad he can't see how hard I'm blushing.

He laughs lightly.  "I've been working on it for a while," he admits.

Will cups my face in his hands and kisses me.  I hear the other campers murmuring and saying "awwww."  Our relationship has literally been all the camp can talk about these days.

The other Apollo campers started up a round of "She'll be coming round Mount Olympus" but for once, Will doesn't sing.  He's too busy cuddling me and piling kisses upon my face.

"Will, stop!  People are staring!" I whisper, trying to push him away.

"But I loooove you Nico!" He protests, laying me down onto the bench. Great.  Now I'm not escaping his stupid PDA.

"Will!  We can't be doing this during the sing along!" I hiss.

He brushes my cheek with his fingers.  Chills run through me.

"Who says?" He asks, smiling.

I hear some of the other campers murmuring stuff about Will and I.  My cheeks flush; I get so flustered when people talk about me.

"William Solace, who are you fucking over there?!"

Will jumps up to face Mr. D.  Oh my gods, everyone is snickering at us.  So so so embarrassing.

"Oh, uh, hi Mr. D," Will says awkwardly.  "I'm....uh...not fucking anyone.  I swear."

Mr. D looks down at me.  "Nick diAngelis.  Of course," he sighs, clucking his tongue at Will.

Will's siblings are doubling over with laughter.

"His name is Nico di Angelo," Will tells Mr. D.

"Oh, whatever.  Stay safe, use condoms," the camp director huffs.  He walks away, coke in hand.

Will gets this look in his eye that tells me he's about to do something stupid.

Before I can stop him, he starts moaning and shouting sexual stuff loud enough for Mr. D to hear.


"Shut up, idiot!" I grumble, punching him in the arm.

Mr. D starts walking even faster away from us.  Will cracks up.

"Embarrassing me is NOT FUNNY!" I huff.

"Come on, Nico," he says grinning stupidly.  "Let's get to bed."

He wraps an arm around my waist and we walk back to his cabin.

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