Bloody Hell

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I grabbed Justins hand as hard as possible. I knew it was hurting him but I coudnt believe my eyes the guy I knew for years who bullied me abused me for years. He was the reason I tranferred and here he was. I felt a tear roll down my eyes almost burning my eye sight.

" You okay Selena? " said Justin facing me with his hands rubbing my tears

I coudnt tell him. I woudnt and I shoudnt.

" Yeah sorry just something in my eye " I said with guilt

He laughed and kissed me. His touch was so much more then others. His lips were sweet and touched my lips with a smooth touch. He let go and looked me in the eyes longer then he had ever. His hazel eyes seemed to have made me melt and I felt a shiver go up my spine. I rubbed his cheek with my hand wanting to know more that he loved football and wanted to follow dreams that he never tried for.

" I wanna know you " I whispered

He smiled and carried me to the doors of the school. I didnt know where he was taking me but I didnt care. I kept my hands wrapped around his neck watching his adams apple bob up and down. I rested my head on his shoulder as he placed me in the passengers seat of his car. As he hopped into the drivers seat. I smiled knowing were he was taking me. He started driving and around 20 minutes later we were at a ice cream parlour. 

I jumped out of the car and ran to him right as he closed his door and hugged him with all my strength. I felt his hands rest on my spine as his chin rested on my head. He kissed my head and held my hand. We started walking towards the ice cream parlour.

" If you wanna know me you'll have to decide who I am from the flavours I pick today " he chuckled

I looked at him.

" Okay imma win this " I said over exicted

He opened the door and we stepped into an empty parlour with over 39 flavours. He raced to the ice cream and kept swooshing flavours in his cone. 



Cookies and Cream


We walked to the cashier as I whispered " Sweet Intelligent Outgoing & Hot " I said almost bursting in laughter

He smiled and I knew I was right. I ran and dumped a few flavours in my cone and walked to Justin as he was waiting at the cashier.

                                                                          That Night

I grabbed a red dress from my closet and a pair of black tights. I was waiting for my parents to get home they were suppose to be here by now. Ugh we were suppose to go to my aunts house in about 40 minutes and they probably werent even close to home. I ran downstairs and grabbed a pop can before I could open the can the phone rang.

" Hello? " I said

" Yes, Is this Selena Gomez " said an anonymous voice

" Yes it is " 

" We are calling for Justin as you are one of his main contacts we are sorry to say ......... " 

" What happened? " I said

" Selena Justin was shot in the stomach twice as we need you to come right away at Rose Meadows Hospital  " 

I felt my legs go numb I coudnt move I coudnt breathe I coudnt think. I hung up the phone and grabbed the car keys and went straight for the hospital.

                                                                     30 Minutes Later

I ran to the desk woman almost crying out Justins name.

She pointed down the hall and told me to go right before she could finish I feld down the hall almost knocking over a doctor and 2 paitents. I glanced at a few rooms beside me when I reconized one of the paitents. He looked hurt and almost dead. I moved closer to the door and saw a better glance. No it wasnt it coudnt be. I ran to the paitent bursting into tears.

Justin layed on the bed with his eyes closed and his heart still breathing. I threw myself on him crying and screaming. When my phone rang I ignored it once but the secound time I picked it up.

" So you see how it feels to see someone hurt hope you have a good time watching him for the last time " said an anonymous voice before hanging up.

I didnt know what this was or who this was but I just wanted Justin I needed Justin.

" I love you " I cried before I closed my eyes watching Justin sleep in front of me 

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