Chapter Three

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Karla tossed and turned in her bed for the third night in a row. She was going through Marc withdrawals. She couldn't even the last time the two were intimate. But for the past three night, she was all she could think about. She didn't know if she was just missing the sex or if she actually missed him

She missed him so badly, that she had contemplated calling him just so she could feel him inside of her one last time. But she knew she could never make that phone call. He would never take her serious if she did.

Karla picked up her phone to check the time. 2:00 am. She sighed. She was tired of seeing that exact time. It obviously meant something. Was it a sign that she needed to forget about Marc's girlfriend and actually look out for herself for once?

"Stop being stupid, Karla. You're not going back to him." She told herself.

Karla wanted Marc. She wanted him, badly and she wasn't afraid to admit that. But she just had to face the fact that Marc would never be her's.

Marc hadn't even called or texted after the confrontation and that must have meant that he only saw Karla as someone he could stick it in from time to time.

Karla unlocked and went to his contact name. She debated if she should call, but it would only be the same results as last time; voicemail and a text message. He fingered hovered over the call button, but she slowly moved it over to the delete button. She clicked and his number was out of her phone forever. 

The next thing that Karla did was delete every picture in her phone that would remind her of him. 

This was the first step to deleting Marc out of her life forever. Karla wanted to tell Marc's girlfriend about their little affair, but she decided against it. Hopefully, she would find out soon enough.

Karla never wanted to hear from him again and she wished him the best with the rest of his life.


The end!




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