"YOU'RE WHAT!!" (Chapter 3)

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"Jess, my love, where art thou?" I say as I walk in her house with Gabe

I hear her laugh, "In my room gorgeous!"

"Okay, I'm coming up!" Jess' family treated me like I was apart of it, they let me have a house key and my own room.

"Gabe, take your shoes off. See they are civilized people, unlike you." I shot him a glare and ran upstairs to Jess' room.

I knocked on the wall sense her door was open, "Hay cutie." 

She looked over at me and dropped the box full of clothes she was holding and ran over to give me a hug.

"Max!!" She yelled before glomping me, glomp is a hug but the person throws all of their body weight on you. Not to be mean but Jess was a bit on the heavy side but she loved being heavy because we both knew she had curves in all the right places. 

"Whoa!" I say as I finally get my breath back. 

"Sorry," She says as she lets go of me, "I forgot your a little weak." She laughs and I smile and shake my head. 

"Where's Jason?" I ask as she turns around to finish packing.

"He went to go get us some soda."

"Oh cool. So we need to talk."

"Oh ya, you said you wanted to tell me something important when we where on the phone. What was it?"

"I'm g-" I get rudely interrupted by Jason and Gabe walking in and laughing at a joke I'm guessing Jason told.  I give them a death glare and they stop laughing. 

"Gabe." Jess says coldly

"Hey Jess, how have you been?" He says all nice like.

"That's none of your damn business, now is it?" She says in a bossy tone. She definitely gets that from her mother and I love that she does. Her mother is someone I never want to mess with because I believe her death glare can kill. 

"Okay then...Gabe let's take these boxes out to the moving truck." Jason says to break the tension in the air, Jason quickly sets down the soda cans on the night stand. A few seconds later Jason and Gabe leave with boxes. 'Good' I thought to myself 'I can finally tell her.'

"You can finish your sentence sense they're gone." She looks at me while standing next to her bed and looking at picture she has laying on it.

"I'm gay." I say without hesitation and then I hear a gasp from behind me and I froze.

"YOU'RE WHAT!!" Someone screams. 

I know exactly who that was and i quickly turn around to see if I was right. Sadly I am.

"Does your mother know?!"

"Why does it matter!" Jess yells at Gabe, "Get the hell out of my room asshole!"

"No! Max does your mother know?!"

I just stood there saying nothing just standing there listening to Gabe and Jess argue and then Gabe did the unexpected. 

"You disgusting bitch!" He said while walking up to me.


This chapter is still short because I like what I did with leaving a cliffhanger. Hopefully y'all do to. 

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