"ALRIGHT CLASS!All of your parents want you guys to take a blood test tomorrow.You are now dismissed.",said the teacher.All the students were frightened for some reason."I'm scared.I might fail the test.",said one student."What do we do?",asked another.Then another one said,"I HAVE A GREAT IDEA!!!WE CAN STUDY SO WE DON'T FAIL!!!" "Yes!That's the best idea ever!We study for all our other tests,so why not study for his one? Let's go to the library and find some good books about blood!"
"Now,we've got all the information we need in these notebooks.We'll need to bring these to school tomorrow."
"Wait a minute..why are we at the doctors?" The teacher said,"Didn't I say you guys were taking a blood test?" The student said,"But how is this a blood test if we aren't writing anything?We basically studied for NO REASON!!!!"
"You guys are stupid."