6: The Common Cold

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I woke up with Taehyung not in my arms, but I was now in his. I'm trapped. His grip on me was real tight and his legs literally captured mine. Was he always this strong?

"Yah, Taehyung-ah. Wake up," I said, trying to push him. As a response he groaned. I tried pushing him again and he groaned again, but thank god he let go of me and rolled to the other side of the bed.

I sat up on the bed, and I felt my body suddenly ache. Then as I get up, I sneeze. And that continued on for about a few more minutes, so I went to the bathroom to get some tissue.

"Your sneeze is kinda cute," I was startled by Taehyung's husky morning voice, making me shriek. "Too loud." I heard him say and rolled on the bed.

"Sorry, you just startled me." I blushed. "Is your voice always deeper than normal in the morning?"

"Yeah, I guess so." He stood up and walked towards me and rested his elbow on the wall, looming over me. He inched his face closer, making me take a step back. As he inched closer, I took another step back, and suddenly I felt as if I don't have any more space to take a step back because my bathroom is one of the many out there which have a small staircase. And that small staircase made me fall. I covered my face as I was ready to hit the ground, but then Taehyung's arm prevented my fall. I uncovered my face and saw Taehyung's smile.

"Well, aren't you cute," he said, and helped me up to my feet. I blushed at the remark and slapped him.

"Yah! Don't inch too close to me," I said and walked back to my bed and started blowing my nose. I just looked at him and before he walked in the bathroom, he had this smirk, and finally closed the door behind him. I fell back on my bed and closed my eyes.

When did he start giving off that dominating vibe?

Taehyung's POV

After taking a quick shower, I dressed up in the clothes that I dried last night as I was about ready to go home. I walked out of the bathroom while drying my hair with the towel, and it seems like Jimin fell asleep again.

Last night after sleeping for awhile, I woke up in the middle of the night and after all the encounters I've had with Jimin, his sleeping face was the cutest one yet, and in all honesty, it kept me up almost the whole night.

I smiled once again as I saw his sleeping face. I walked closer to him and sat beside him. I brushed his hair away from his face, but then I noticed his temperature was hotter than usual. I took a good feel of his forehead and it seemed he was burning up. He suddenly coughed and turned to the side. He most definitely caught a cold.

I shook him gently, "Yah, yah, Jimin-ah, wake up."

He faced me, fluttered his eyes open, and sat up.

"Huh, Taehyung? Are you going home already?"

"Jimin, you're burning up. Do you have medicine for colds?" I asked.

"Huh... Uhm, its in the cabinet in the bathroom," he said. I walked to the bathroom and opened up the cabinet, getting the few Ziplock filled with medicine.

I placed it down beside him and walked to the kitchen to get him a glass of water. I walked back to his bed and gave him the glass of water. He popped the pill in his mouth and washed it down with water.

"Okay, now lie down and get some more rest," I said. He just nodded and got in the covers.

I got him a wet towel and placed it on his forehead.

"Yah, I told you you were going to get a cold, pabo," I said, flicking his cheek. He whimpered a small 'ouch' and rubbed his cheek.

"Who're you calling pabo, I'm your hyung."

"Being an idiot doesn't matter in age. Anyways, you never told me to call you hyung anyways." I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Isn't that supposed to be a given anyways?"

"Okay, okay, just sleep now," I said shushing him.

"Hey, you know you can go home now, I can take care of myself."

"Not a chance, I won't leave until you get better."

"It takes at least a week for me to get better."

"Then I'll be staying here for a week... I'll be in your care, hyung," I smiled teasingly.

"I'll be in your care my ass, I'm the one who's sick, not you. How can I take care of you if I can't even take care of myself?"

"Aha! You confessed that you can't take care of yourself..... Then you'll be in my care." I grinned. "You're actually really grumpy aren't you? Or is it just because you're sick? I already miss the old you who blushed a lot."

He just blushed a bit. "You're actually cocky aren't you? And you say 'old you' as if I changed for good."

"Ahh... So you're saying you're going back to blushing a lot?"

"Ah just shut up, I'm going back to sleep," Jimin said and turned his back to me.

"Dream of me," I can't help, but say, making me a little embarrassed of myself.


Heyyy!! It's been a really long time since I updated... Belated merry christmas and advanced happy new year (which will be in a few hours) yayyy! Sorry, I've been in a slump recently, and I actually really hope my stories are worth the wait and some people are still actually reading them :(( uhm, anyways I hope you like it and thanks for reading (●´∀`●) (I hope I can update another chapter)

Sydney ( ´ ▽ ' )ノ

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