Chapter 6

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"Erm, because why not. I just wanted to make a new friend..." Taehyung turned around and went to the backroom. His face flushed red with embarrassment. I decided to follow him to see what he was up to because there is nothing to really do in there. 


"Yes, I know hyung. I don't know what to do anymore. She doesn't seem to....really? Okay bye! Have fun!!" Taehyung had a big smile on his face when he got off the phone, but it slowly faded once he saw me standing there. "I am guessing you heard everything?"

"No. only thing I heard you say was goodbye. I came back here to tell you, you have to work at the drive thru window." I lied. Taehyung's smile grew back on his face and he started walking to the window.

"Sure! Anything for you boss." Taehyung murmured as he walked off.

"Aish that kid" I smiled as I rolled my eyes. The day seemed to go by faster than normal. The costumers mostly came just to see Taehyung, but he said in order for them to touch his hand they must buy something. 

'He doesn't seem as bad as I thought. He is really charming and I can see why everyone cries over him. Ommo what am I saying I haven't even gotten to know the guy fully.'

"Minhee, could you watch over my spot real quick I have to use the restroom?" Taehyung asked while putting his hand on my shoulder causing shivers to go up and down my spine. I lost heart was racing and time seemed to go by really slow. "Minhee? You okay?"

"Mwo? Yeah go ahead..." I shake my head coming back to reality. He just shook his head smiling while walking away. I didn't even know what he said, but I still said yeah.  He ended up coming back, but the smile was even wider. "Why are you smiling so much?"

"Cause I can't stop thinking about....things." He chuckled, hiding his face

"Okay, anyways we are closing soon. You can go home now if you want..." I explained. Taehyung just came walking toward me and went to my ear

"We should start having days were we hangout and work. You know to see what job bets fits you" He whispered. Again my heart was racing and I got the shivers everywhere hearing his voice in my ear.

"O-Ok..." I stutter

"You okay?" He asked backing away. I sink to the ground groaning. Taehyung got worried and sank with me.

"What is wrong?" He asked concerned

"To much is going on." I sigh.

"Ahh. I see. Why don't we close the place early and hangout." Taehyung asked putting his hand on my knee. I was starting to hate the feeling I got from him touching me so, I moved his hand way and got up.

", okay but we are staying near my apartment." I cleared my throat. He just got up and started cleaning the tables. I let everyone know we were closing, but a group of girls didn't leave they staid and watched Taehyung clean down the tables, and swept the floor. 

"He is so hot when we moves his hair out of his face and licks his lips." One of the girls dazed. The rest just kept nodding there head while staring at him.

"Jagi I'm all finished. Are you about done?" I asked from across the room. When he heard the words 'Jagi' come out of my mouth he was shocked and surprised. The girls shot nasty looks at me then clicked their tongues and left. I felt my face turn bright red once I turned around and bumped into his chest causing me to lose my balance, but Taehyung just had to catch me....I would have rather fallen.

"Jagi? What was that all about? Did someone get jealous?" He smirked lifting me back to my feet.

"No...I-I just....wanted to see your reaction." I stuttered looking around the room

"Sure..." He rolled his eyes and chuckled  

"You wished I called you 'Jagi'." I mumbled walking to the open sign and turning it around to say closed. Taehyung just smiled and put his head down.

"I am going outside and wait for you." Taehyung sighed and grabbed his things and walked out the door. 

'I can't believe I am actually leaving with this pabo to hangout. Why did I even get jealous cause some girls were staring at him. I guess I should get going or we could try to catch up with Sadie.'

I saw Taehyung leaning against a telephone pole waiting for me....and I decided to scare him cause I am that nice. I sneaked around to the back and ended up in a alley. I could see him still waiting but he was on his phone. He ruined my plain by texting my phone causing it it go off.

"Mwo? Minhee are you trying to hide from me?" He looked around and finally saw me in the alley. "You are so childish..." He laughed

"What? How so?" I asked walking out of the alley towards him. A huge smile just formed on his face, and his blank brown eyes just stared down on me. 

"You tried scaring are going to have to try a bit harder than that." He chuckled and started walking off. "Come on we are going to get something to eat, I am starving." 

"Yah! You don't think I couldn't scare you?" I shouted running towards him to catch up. 

"Says the girl that can't even turn her volume off on her phone." He smiled shaking his head.

"You are more mean then I thought..." I mumbled. He stopped in his steps and grabbed me by the waist pulling me closer to him. I was scared and wanted to run away. I couldn't control myself and started breathing heavily, and my heart was also racing like I just ran a marathon. I really hated it...every time he touched me, talked to me, or even looked at my my heart would race.

"I can be mean whenever I want....but never towards you." Taehyung let me go and smiled. "Now come on or I'll make you pay." He started walking away again and acted like nothing happened. I was still shocked and couldn't move. He never realized I was far behind. I was still standing in the spot he left me. After a while I lost him in the crowd of people....

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