Chapter 9

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 Some note:

Sorry I haven't updated this fanfic lately, I have had really bad writers block. Also I kinda got grounded cause my grades went down to a 20%, but I was able to get them back to 100% so, I am back! I hope you enjoy this sucky chapter!


 "Well isn't someone demanding" Hoseok mumbled while getting up, and waking back to the original seat he was in. Mostly everyone chuckled quietly to themselves besides Jimin and Hoseok.  I put my head down to control my laughter, when I looked up Taehyung's cryptic smile made my eyes draw to him.  

  "Taehyung? Why are you smiling like that?" I asked curious on what he was thinking

   He shook his head, like he was coming back to reality "Huh? Sorry I wasn't paying attention." 

   "We could tell" I laughed and so did everyone else "What were you thinking about?"

  "Nothing important..." he shrugged

  Jin cleared his throat "We have to get going now. We have a lot to do today for the ARMY." He said, while getting up from his seat.

  "Okay hyung." Everyone sighed in sync. It seemed like they were a family of ducks. Wherever Jin went the ducklings would follow. When Taehyung walked pass me he had his head hung low, he tried peeking to see if I was looking, and when he realized I was he made the shadow in his face deepen. The last thing I heard from them was the bell from the door ringing once they left. 

Sadie seemed to attached to Jin. "Do you think he will ever date me?" She asked, looking out the window, watching them leave. 

"Maybe." I shrugged, while waiting for Sadie to exit the shop.

She did seem the same after hanging out and meeting BTS. She was lovestrucked. "Where are we going?" she asked confused 

 "I thought maybe we could follow them." I smiled 

"Aigoo! Really?" She jumped up in down in excitement

"Yes, now we need to be quiet." I whispered "You are to head over heels." 

"Am not!" she pouted.

"What did I say?" I shot a death glare at her

"To be quiet..." Sadie mumbled "Where do you think they are going?"

"I don't know. Let's just follow and see." I whispered. While we are following them, they kept taking random turns and crossing different streets. I pulled out my phone to see where we are, and continued to walk forward, until I bumped into something.

 I slowly lifted my head to see Jungkook looking down and smiling at me. "I told you guys they were following us." he said, while laughing

"Do you want to hangout with us or something?" Yoongi asked, looking around

"Yes!" Sadie shouted in excitement

Jin smiled while walking forward to her. "Let's go then." He said, while holding his hand out for her to take. She didn't hesitate to take it. 

"What about you, Minhee, are you going to join?" Jungkook asked taking my hand 

"Um, sure...why not." I shrugged, not knowing what we were going to do.

"How about we go to an amusement park!" Taehyung suggested

"You choose that every time..." Hoseok rolled his eyes

Taehyung crossed his arms and pouted "Just because you don't like them doesn't mean everyone else does." 

"Remember that one time we all went and Hobi was scared to go on all the rides," Jimin laughed, which caused everyone else to

"How about some ice cream, and a walk in the park." Namjoon smiled

"I like the amusement park idea..." I chimed in

Taehyung looked at me and smiled "See, someone gets me." He said, while pointing at me.

"I think you two were meant to be." Namjoon pointed out

"Me, and Tae? No, no, no." I shacked my head, ignoring the obvious

Jungkook squeezed my hand and smiled "You even called him Tae. You do like him." He said, causing me to blush 

"Awe Minhee, you are blushing!" Sadie exclaimed 

"That is cute!" Jungkook chuckled

"I am not" I pouted, while letting go of Jungkook's hand.

"Yah! Why did you let go" He shouted, shocked 

Taehyung ran up next to me and grabbed my hand "To hold mine, obviously." He said, while laughing, and I just rolled my eyes.

"This is why you are our 4D Alien." Jin laughed, while walking up to the ice cream shop, and we followed.

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