Lost In The Ruins

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"That is so cool! Can you show me the ruins?" Travis asked excitedly. "Sure! I've always wanted to show someone all that I've discovered!! Right now?" I asked him. "Yes, please!" He replied. He looked so fascinated and excited. I said, "Follow me." I led him to the middle of the island, where my favourite spot is. "This is the willow tree I sit under sometimes to draw or just admire the view." I explained as I showed him the view of all the ruins. I said, "It's my most favourite spot on the island." "Woah." Travis said in amazement. "Look at all those ruins!! They're so ancient!! I wonder how many there are... Ooh, I wanna explore all of them!! And the willow tree is so... So.... Mesmerizing. Oh my gosh, I'm so excited right now. The ruins look so old and awesome..." Travis said. 'Okay, Travis is officially having a huge fanboy moment.' I thought as he kept talking about how amazing everything was. After he done blabbering about the amazingness about everything, I said, " I know, right? I LOVE IT!!" I screamed as it made an awesome echo. "Aren't the echo's cool?!" I asked him. "SUPER COOL!!!" He yelled so it made the awesome echo. "Can we explore the ruins, now? Please?" Travis asked. "But what about your mom? I already brought you to the middle of the island without permission. Won't she be mad?" I asked, nervously. "Pfft, my mom? Mad? Never. My mom never gets mad at anyone or anything. She's never been frustrated with anyone and I've never heard her say a unkind word to anyone. Anyone." Travis said with confidence. " Plus, I told her that I'd be exploring across the island with a friend and that I'd be back by dinner, so yeah." Travis said. "Oh, that's good." I said, feeling a little envious. "Well, then, c'mon! Follow me." I said as I led Travis down the cliff to the ruins. When we got there, Travis stared at everything in stunned silence, his jaw dropped. "Yup. I come here a lot just to see how amazing and big everything is. Not to mention the tapestries, ancient drawing, ancient writing, and tons of other ancient stuff." I said. "Let's explore!!" Travis yelled as he started running around, turning into a huge fanboy again. He ran into the Enki ruins. " Wait!! You don't know your way around!! You'll get... Lost." I said. " I lost him." I said.

Hi everyone!!! I think this chapter is shorter than most of my chapters (I can't tell.) and it's like that because I didn't have much time today so sorry about that. Uh, anyway, I really should be going so... Bye-bye!!! ❤️❤️❤️

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