It's All Lies (songfic)

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Zelo blended in into the crowd, hands in his pocket. It seemed as if his world came crumbling down, bumping into strangers, almost getting into a fight with an over-protective man for bumping into his girlfriend and not even bothering for a simple 'sorry.' He wasn't good at apologizing. He wasn't good at anything. Not as a man and definitely not as a person. There were many things he regretted, but most of it was all about Lee Hansol. To put it simply, he made a mistake, and there's nothing else he can do about it. A coward was what he was.

Hansol, his girlfriend for almost a year, didn't deserve what he did to her. The way he would ignore her calls, brushing her off for other women that had little or more interest on him. He knew he was wrong and he missed her. Badly. She was the only one who had been there for her all along. Through good and bad, she stayed with him. She was like an angel sent down just for him, to grow up and be man, but he took advantage of her kindness and broke her fragile heart.

There was nothing else he could do to get her back. It was too late.

- - - One Month Ago - - -

"Junhong-ah, where are you?" Hansol asked over the phone, worried about her boyfriend that was already two hours late for their date. It was always like this. Either he was late for at least half an hour, two hours being the most before she decides to leave, leaving since he never bothered to show up and even answer her texts or calls. She walked around the busy streets of Hongdae, knowing that he wasn't going to show up, so it was just right for her to head home, until something stopped her.

Fortunately this time, the tall, blonde-haired boy, finally picked up after turning on his phone again to check any messaged, hoping none of it were from her. "Ah, was it today?" He asked back, speaking in a monotone voice, walking away from the girl he was just with and giving her a gesture to give him just a minute. "Mian Hansol, I promise I'll make it up to you tomorrow." He said, this time with more promise on his voice that Hansol always fell for, but this time it was different.

Hansol simply scoffed, getting tired of always waiting, always yearning, always hoping; getting tired of him. "No." she stated as she stared right at him, the woman he was with, clinging onto him to hurry up. Tears streamed down her face. Each drop felt like a sting on her reddened cheeks from the cold, walking towards her boyfriend, now her soon-to-be ex.

The blonde-haired boy widened his eyes as he saw Hansol making her way towards him. He pushed the woman off of him as she stopped in front of him, staring right into his eyes with full of hurt. "I can explain." Zelo said, worry starting to get to him.

"Explain? Exactly what are you going to explain? That you've been cheating on me with different older women? For what? Money. Lust. Or was it just it was unbearable to be with me?" Hansol ranted on, not caring about the attention she was attracting from the busy street as her voice rose up. "You know this might have actually hurt if you even felt the same way about me, like how I did towards you. I can't believe that even with this, I still have the slightest feelings for you as a person. I should have believed Yongguk oppa months ago when he told me he saw you with another woman, but I told him I trusted you. All this time I trusted you. I think somewhere in there," she paused to poke his chest hardly, breathing in deeply to catch her breath. "there's still the old Junhong I could trust and love. You may have never said it, but I could feel that you loved me, you were just scared to admit it that despite everything you went through you may actually feel love for someone, but was just in fear of rejection. You already knew I loved you. God, every one knew, Junhong. You were just too much of a coward to face your feelings. But, thank you. Thank you, Junhong, for finally putting a stop to my hopes. Now I really now that's it's over. Actually no, it's been over months ago right? I was just a toy when you didn't have someone else to play with." she finished, wiping her own tears, exiting the scene as she pushed through the crowd.

After the ruckus died down, Zelo was left there, alone. Even the woman he was with fled from the glares and strange gazes the people were sending her. Junhong was now all by himself, speechless as he watched her leave, having no courage to run after her and ask for forgiveness.

- - - - - - - - - - -

"It's too late Junhong, don't you dare show your face here again." Yongguk threatened, getting pulled back by Himchan and Youngjae from throwing himself at the young boy.

"Hyung, I was wrong. Please." Zelo begged, desperate to see Hansol in the small hallway in the hospital. "I need to talk to her. I need to see her."

"She can't! Don't you get it? She can't talk you! She's still in a coma because of you!" shouted Daehyun as he stood up, surprising the rest of the guys present. Hansol was like their little sister. They were always there to take care of her, but now they felt useless. Her broken heart had been too much for her to handle and they didn't know how to fix it.

It was only a few days ago he had found out Hansol was in the hospital, recovering from her successful surgery to take out the brain tumor she had known for a year and was recovering from it. Her parents had already been told by the doctors to just wait patiently, but anticipate for the worst. The doctors could only help to an extent, but if the patient didn't have the will to recover, there was nothing they could do. All the guys knew it. She didn't want to recover. She had no reason to.

It was only a month ago that she was so excited, talking to them about the upcoming surgery and how she'll recover quickly and finally take a trip with her parents to Paris and even bring Zelo with them or go to the beach with the guys along with Zelo or even hiking. But, no matter what, Zelo was always in the picture. He was the reason she wanted to get better.

A tear rolled down Zelo's face, forcing his way in the small room where Hansol laid on the bed with wires attached to her. The sight made Junhong hate himself. How could he have done this to you?

Yongguk was about to barge in and take Zelo out, but was stopped by Jongup. "Hyung, just let him say what he wants to say. It might be for the better." he softly said, closing the door to give the youngest some privacy with their little sister.

Zelo held onto Hansol's hand, taking a seat by the bed as he forced his tears in. He took a shaky breath before speaking what he should've said the moment you walked away from him a month ago.

"Hansol-ah, it's me. Can you hear me?" he started off nervously. "I'm really really sorry. I was wrong, so please..." he paused. "come back to me. Just please come back. It doesn't matter if you keep hating me. I need you back." and with that, tears were already flowing out of him as he sobbed. "I promise I'll treat you right. Just please don't leave me. You were the best thing that happened to me and I was a jerk for ever hurting you like that. I'll be good to you, just don't go please. It was all lies. I can't let you go. I love you Lee Hansol, so please wake up. Don't ever leave me. I love you. You're the only one for me." he sobbed, keeping her hand close to him as he put his head down onto the bed, kissing her hand.

Suddenly, he felt a twitch on her hand, surprising him as he stood up quickly with widened eyes, just about to yell out before something stopped him.

Hansol was crying. Tears were streaming down her face as she smiled. But it was too late. She had given up already and it was too late.

Her monitors started beeping loudly, bringing everyone's attention as her heart rate decreased, falling into a flat line. The doctors quickly rushed in, pushing Zelo aside as they tried to bring Hansol back.

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