Double Date

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You were in the passenger's side of Chen's car, driving down as early as six in the morning.

It was Valentine's Day and apparently, he had a surprise in store for you. What you didn't know was him dragging you out in bed at 5:30, just to get ready without even any plans beforehand. You packed enough to last you for a weekend, not even knowing where you were headed and what clothes would be approriate and when you asked him, he just kept quiet, not wanting to ruin the surprise for you.

"Where are we going?" you whine groggily as you wiped your eyes with your hand.

"To a double date." he answers truthfully, but you were too tired to even question him why at this time of the day.

"Babe, just sleep for now, oh? I'll tell you when we're there. It's quite a long drive there." he answers you sweetly, his other hand moving to squeeze yours gently.

You smile at him weakly, nodding as you feel your eyes fall into his command and drift off to sleep.

"Hey." Jongdae said cheerily as he glanced to your side, stretching as you took on the morning sunlight.

"What time is it?" you ask in between a yawn, getting a small chuckle from your boyfriend.

"It is...9:30." he informs you after checking his watch, looking back at you with that goofy smile of his.

You smile back, still not believing how luck was on your side, having someone like Chen to be with you.

The weather outside looked nice and you stared off at the unfamiliar roads, still wondering where your destination was.

"Chen," you take a peek from the driver, who was concentrating on the road.

"Mmm?" he hums, looking to your side, then back to the road.

"Where are we going, really?" you ask again, softly giggling at all the possibilities to where you might end up.

"You're not like a crazy psycopath who's out to kill me in the middle of nowhere, are you?" you tease and see a smile form on his face.

He turned his head creepily, smirking like he's about to eat you. "I don't know, maybe I am." he asnwers, getting a smack on the arm from you, laughing at his silly response.

"No, for real, Jongdae. Where are you taking me and why is it taking forever?" you whine, shifting in your seat to get closer to him.

"Babe, just trust me okay? We're gonna go to my second favorite place in the world." he beamed, enough for you to shut your trap and just believe in him.

It hasn't been that long since you started dating Chen, but you knew he was the one. There were no other questions, you just knew and you felt that it was the same for him too.

"We're here!" Chen announced as he parked the car in front of a house.

You blink at what you were seeing, turning you head towards him to explain why you were at someone's house.

"Where are we?" you ask cautiously, raising an eyebrow.

"My parent's house."

"What?!" you yell in surprise. There was no way you were meeting his parents in this state. You haven't mentally prepared yourself either. What if his parents didn't like you? What if they think you're not enough?

"No, Jongdae. I am not meeting your parents like this. I mean look at me. You dragged me out in the morning and I didn't even have time to shower." you protest, putting your seatbelt back on in a form to stay put.

You hear Chen chuckle, taking out your seatbelt and tickling you on the way, getting you to squirm and laugh along with him.

"But my mom wanted to meet you. She said my dad was always getting boring at Valentine's Day with just roses and chocolates. After hearing that I had a girlfriend, she said she wanted to go on a double date, so I could show my dad how it should be." he told you, chuckling at his story, but more like to his childish parents.

"You could've told me a week before so I could get ready." you laugh along, trying to put the belt back on, but was stopped.

"Babe,  I'll be there, so there's nothing to worry about. I love you with all my heart and there's no one else in this world that I'd rather have, but you, and my parents already know that, so they'll love you just as much too." he smiles sincerely at you and you have no choice but to sigh in defeat.

"They'll love you. I promise." he tried reassuring you as he cupped your face with both of his hands. He leaned in gently pressing your lips together as you kissed him back, feeling him smile.

"I love you." he whispered, looking into your eyes.

"I love you more." you say back, smiling at him, as you move your hands to the wrap around his neck, pulling him in for another kiss.

"That's impossible, I love you most." he says before giving your lips one last peck.

It took you a few moments to get out of the car, but you did. You looked up face to face with your boyfriend who looked down on you with a grin on his face.

"Ready for a fun double date?" he asked, holding on to your hand. "Don't worry, my dad and I planned the most romantic date for you and my mom."

You intertwined your fingers together and nodded, breathing in deeply as you guys started to walk towards the door.

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