ch 8ish coming out

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"so you know our secret you going to tell us yours?" Shisui questioned. 

Naruto and Sasuke exchanged a look. Sasuke bit his lip nervously eyes flicking to Itachi for a split second before returning to Naruto. Should they tell them? How would they react? Sasuke sighed and nodded at Naruto to start explaining figuring it was better to be safe than sorry.

"Orochimaru is after Sasuke" Naruto said pausing to make sure itachi and shisui had enough time to ask a question or interject. 

"what do you mean?" Itachi asked clearly concerned for his baby brother's safety. 

"he wants Sasuke. He wants Sasuke to become his vessel so he'll have the perfect body, but he also wants to rape him or something." Naruto explained with a grimace.

"he's already tried to give me a hickey, along with some kind of tattoo like might've been a seal of som kind" Sasuke said reluctantly pulling down the neck of his shirt to see two scratches from fangs on his neck. the spot was becoming raw due to sasuke's constant irritation of it. 

"when?" Itachi asked horrified. it was the only word that would come out of his mouth. He had thought orochimaru hadn't tried to go after Sasuke yet. Clearly he was wrong. 

"i'll ask again where the fuck where you when i was taking the chuunin exams?" Sasuke questioned.

"Does anybody else know about this?" Shisui questioned. 

"no just us four. Sakura got knocked out. Naruto woke up just in time to tackle me away from the freak" Sasuke scowled. 

"also just before we go back out there i suppose i'll tell you" Sasuke sighed rolling back on the balls of his feet. it was a repetitive motion. up. down.up.down.

Itachi raised a brow in question.

Sasuke mumbled something.

"what?" shisui asked.

Sasuke whispered something.

"foolish little brother you need to speak up if you want us to hear" Itachi pointed out. 

Sasuke took a deep breath and nodded.'please don't hate me itachi' Sasuke thought before speaking again. 

"Naruto and I" Sasuke admitted as a light blush dusted his cheeks. the blonde chuckled nervously beside him. 

"oh" was the intelligent thing that slipped through itachi's lips. 

"is that all?" Shisui questioned scratching his head. 

"what do you mean is that all!? I just told you i'm gay!" Sasuke exclaimed. now sasuke was frusterated again. weeks spent worrying for nothing. Weeks spent terrifiying over the thought of his brother turning his back on him in disgust for nothing. 

Shisui patted his head comfortingly" we heard you that time" Shisui assured.

"and your okay with it?" Sasuke hesitantly asked. 'maybe they're just holding in their dispproval' Sasuke thought

"yup" shisui assured ruffling sasuke's hair as Itachi poked naruto in the forehead. Initiating him in as an extra little brother. 

"So you don't hate me now?" Sasuke asked his brother his charcoal eyes filled with unsurity. 

Sasuke was answered with a poke to the forehead as Itachi knelt down to eye level. "foolsh little brother.....i could never hate you. you may be thoroughly annoying at times but i'll always love you" Itachi said. both of their lips quirked upward. 

"now i declare you an honorary uchiha! Welcome to the family little buddy!" Shisui grinned putting naruto in a headlock and messing up his hair. 

"haha yass!" Naruto cheered with a grin. 

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