Chapter One

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Okay guys, this is my second book and I hope it's better than my last. If you see errors please point them out nicely.

Viviana POV

I woke up to my phone ringing through out my bedroom. I rolled over to the other side of my bed to get it off my nightstand.
" Hello," I mumbled in a tired voice.
" Where the hell are you," my boss yelled through the phone.
" Shit, I'm sorry I slept through my alarm. I'll be there soon," I said hanging up the phone.
I rushed around my room getting on my work uniform as quick as possible. I did some light eye makeup and threw my wavy black hair in a tight ponytail. I grabbed my black purse and ran out of my apartment. I ran down the stairwell and through the lobby and then out the door. I haled a taxi, quite easily, and got in.
" Where to miss," he asked kindly.
" To Mustache Bill's Diner please," I said politely
" Alrighty," he said.
I sat quietly in the back and stared out the window. I looked at the sky and saw that we had a storm rolling in from the east. It was gonna be one hell of a storm. The sky was getting darker by the minute. I hope I don't get soaked by this shit.
We stopped at a red light so I looked to see what street we were on, and it was fifth street. All he had to do was take a left around the corner, and then I would be at work.
I grabbed my wallet and got out a ten dollar bill for the driver. When the light turned green I got my stuff together and had his money ready in my hand. When the taxi driver stopped he turned around and I handed him the ten dollar bill.
" Miss, you don't need to give me this much money," he said politely.
" No, it's okay. You deserve it," I said then got out.
I quickly ran into the diner so I could clock in. I started weaving in between people and tables as quick as I could. I got to the counter and slid through the little gate, and hurried back to my little cubby where I put everything besides my order book, wallet, pen, and phone. I started toward the register to see what tables I would be waiting on when Bill stopped me.
" Viviana, I need to talk to you in my office," he said calmly.
" Okay," I said nervously.
He began to walk back to his office with me following behind him. To say I was nervous would be an understatement, I was freaking out. This was the second time this week I had been late. I hope I don't get fired cause I really need this job. I'm already barely keeping up with my groceries and rent as it is. I just got done with culinary school so I'm still paying a few student loans off. We walked into his office, so I sat down while he walked around his desk to sit in his chair. When he sat down he sighed. I gulped and clenched my jaw out nervousness.
" Viviana, you've been late twice this week. It's unacceptable and you need to get it together. One more late and you're done here. Do you understand," he said.
" Yes, sir," I said.
" Alright, now I have one more thing I want to discuss with you," he said.
" Okay, what is it," I asked.
" I want to amp the diner up, but don't know how to do it. I want to make it more modern, so I want your help to do it," he said.
" Okay for the modern look you can do some new hanging lights, then some new paint, new tables, and chairs. Then you could get some new booths, and bar stools. The uniforms can be black shorts sleeve shirts with a mustache and then the word Bill's. For the the pants you can make them black and put white mustaches all over them," I said.
" Okay thank you so much Viviana," he said with a smile.
I smiled back and got up. I walked out of his office and walked to the register to see what tables I would've waiting on today. I logged into my account on the register and saw my tables today were one, two, five, eight, eleven, fourteen, and nineteen. I looked around and saw three of my tables were full. Table two caught my eye because the men sitting there looked handsome, but something about them seem dangerous. I walked over to them so I could take their order, but Bill had other plans.
" Viviana, come here now, it's important," he said loud enough for everyone to hear. The whole restaurant was looking at us including the men at table two. I got a good look at all of them but one of them stood out to me. He had brownish-blonde hair, a defined jawline, piercing grey eyes, and nice pinkish-nude lips. I was taking in his figure when my eyes caught his. He stared at me for a few seconds before I broke eye contact to turn around and walked to Bill.
" Yes, what do you need," I asked.
" Be very careful when you take those mens' orders," he said sternly.
"Why," I asked cautiously.
" Don't ask, just listen," he snapped.
I nodded and walked back towards the table.
" Hi guys, I'm your server Viviana. How can I help you today," I said with a smile.
" I'll take a glass of bourbon," the guy with the grey eyes said. I nodded and looked to the guy beside him.
" I'll take a cup of sweet tea please," he said with a smile. I nodded again and looked the the guy across from him.
" I'll take a glass of bourbon as well," he said quietly. He seemed a tad bit pissed off and I wanted to say something but decided against it. Then I turned to last guy and smiled.
" I'll take a Long Island Ice Tea," he said with a smile. I smiled back.
" Okay, I'll be back with your drinks in a minute," I said.
I turned around to walk away but bumped into a little girl accidentally knocking her down. I looked down at her to see her lip began to quiver and then tears come out of her eyes. I knelt down and picked her up quickly giving me her a hug.
" Hey, hey, hey, it's okay. Where does it hurt," I asked softly.
She looked at me with pretty green eyes. She sniffled and held out her arm, pointing to her elbow. I kissed my hand then touched her elbow. She smiled causing me to smile back.
" Okay, now where are your mommy and daddy," I asked.
" Right there," she said pointing behind me, " that's my daddy."
I turned a bit pale, but then turned. All the guys accept for grey eyes looked shocked.
" Which one is your daddy," I asked.
" That one," she said pointing to the one sitting across from grey eyes.
" I'm sorry, I didn't mean to knock her down," I said.
" How did you do that," the little girls dad asked me.
" How did I do what," I asked confused.
" How did you get her to talk to you and stop crying," he asked.
" I don't know," I said.
" Guys, who cares, I just want my drink," grey eyes said rudely.
I sighed and gave the little girl to her dad.
" I'll be back with your drinks," I said.
I walked away quickly before he could say anything else. I made my way over to the bar and then started making their drinks. I'm good at making alcoholic beverages, because of a two week course Bill had me take before I started working here. It was really fun making the different drinks, but making the guy with the grey eyes's drink was pissing me off and all I had to do was pour him a glass of bourbon. I gathered all their drinks on my tray and took them over to them.
" Here you guys go,"
I said smiling.
" Thank you Viviana," the guy with the little girl said.
" Your welcome. Can I take your guys order," I asked.
" No. We are still waiting for one more person," grey eyes said with a glare and rude tone.
" Alessio, you don't have to be such a dick to the girl," the guy with the little girl said.
" Shut the hell up Geovanni," Alessio said.
" Well can I at least get this little cutie a milkshake? It'll be on the house," I said tapping her nose with my finger. She giggled and kind of shied away. She was the cutest little thing ever.
" Yeah, that's okay," Geovanni said.
" Alright. Now what's your name cutie pie," I asked her.
" My name is Abelie," she said.
" Your name is very pretty," I said
" Thank you," she said happily.
" Okay, I have to go take some more orders, then I'll be back with your milkshake," I said.
She nodded and smiled. I turned around and headed to the tables I was supposed to be working. After I for their orders I took them to the kitchen, and then made everyone's drinks. I took all the drinks out and had them served, I went back into the kitchen to make Abelie's milkshake. I made her a caramel milkshake with a caramel drizzle on top. Then I added yellow sprinkles. Something was missing and I couldn't figure it out. Then I remembered we had a honeysuckle vine growing in the garden behind the building where we grow our own vegetables. I quickly ran outside and picked a flower to put on top of her milkshake. It was perfect since her name meant honeysuckle. I grabbed the milkshake and walked out of the kitchen towards the table. When I came out of the kitchen doors I realized they had two more people sitting with them now. I grabbed my order book and had it ready in one hand while Abelie's milkshake was in the other. I looked back in their direction after dodging a table to see Alessio glaring at me. I don't know what the hell his problem is but I just smiled in response. When I smiled at him he seemed a bit surprised but covered it up quickly with a glare.
" Hey Abelie, here's your milkshake," I said smiling.
" Thank you," she squealed happily.
"Your welcome," I said smiling.
" Okay, can you just take our damn orders now," Alessio said in a rude tone.
" You know, just because I am your server doesn't mean you can treat me like shit," I snapped.
" Do you know who I am," he growled.
He stood up and got into my face. I boldly stepped forward causing him to narrow his piercing grey eyes at me.
" I don't give a damn about who you are. I won't let you act that way towards me. Learn to show some respect," I said in a low voice.
" I could ruin you Viviana. Remember that the next time I come in here," Alessio said in a chilling voice.
It sent chills down my spine, but my confidence didn't faultier .
" The next time you come in here you might just regret it," I said boldly.
" We'll see about that," he said right next to my ear. I shivered and pushed him away because of the effect he had on me. I looked up at Alessio and he smirked at me before sitting back down. I looked at everyone at the table to see them giving us both extremely amused looks.
" Okay, what can I get you two men to drink," I said.
" We will both take a glass of bourbon," one of the men said.
" Okay, now are you guys ready to order food," I asked politely.
" Yes, can I get chicken tenders for Abelie and a loaded burger for me please," Geovanni asked politely.
" Yes you can, now what can I get you two," I asked the new guys to the table.
" Just the chef salad and fettuccine alfredo please," one of them said.
" Okay. Now what you like sir," I asked the guy sitting next to Geovanni.
" I'll also take a chef salad and my brother will also be getting a chef salad as well since he doesn't like to eat healthy," he said glaring at his brother. When I look over I could see the resemblance between the two.
" I eat healthy all the time," one said.
" Okay, that's a fucking lie," the other said.
I laughed and shook my head at them.
" You guys are funny," I said.
" Thank you Viviana," they both said. Then they went back to glaring at eachother.
" Okay, now what can I get you," I said to Alessio.
" You can stop flirting with Nico and his brother Damien, and get me a loaded burger," he said in a hard, rude tone.
" I was not flirting with them so you might as well just save your breath and speak to me when you aren't gonna be an ass," I said with a glare.
Alessio's eyes turned dark and he slammed his hands on the table causing the whole place to go quiet. He stood up and walked out of the diner bumping my shoulder in the process. I rolled my eyes and smiled at everyone who was staring.
" Everything is alright guys, just go back to eating and conversing please," I said in a calm voice.
" I don't think I've ever seen him get that mad at a woman before," Geovanni said smirking.
" Well it's probably because they are all to scared to say anything to him when he's being an asshole," I said. Then my eyes widened when I saw Abelie sitting there looking at me. I covered my mouth and looked at Geovanni.
" I'm so sorry. I just remembered Abelie was listening the whole time," I said.
" Oh don't worry. She know not to repeat such words. Plus she also used it because Alessio is always cussing. Especially when he gets angry with someone," he said with a smile.
" Okay. Let me go out your order in with the cook and I'll be right back with the drinks. Does anyone need a refill," I asked.
Everyone shook their heads no and continued on with their conversations.
I walked to the kitchen window and out their orders in front of the cook, and then headed to the bar. I poured the two glasses of bourbon and headed out towards the table with other people's orders in one arm.
" Okay here are your drinks guys," I said.
They nodded.
I walked to one of my tables to see a bunch of guys around my age. They were all laughing and having fun. Thankfully they weren't making a mess of things.
" Hi guys, sorry your food took so long," I said.
" Oh that's alright," a guy in the corner of the booth said.
" Okay, who got the loaded burgers with onion rings," I asked.
" That would be me and him," the two guys on my left said.
I handed them their plates and looked at the other two.
" Okay, now which one got the alfredo," I asked.
The guy in the corner of the booth raised his hand and smiled. Then I sat the last order down to the guy next to him.
" Okay guys, if you need anything let me know," I said. I turned to walk off but one of the guys grabbed my wrist.
" Wait, I need one thing," he said smiling.
" Okay. What do you need," I asked politely.
" I need your number," he said.
" Sorry but I'm not interested," I said nicely.
I went to walk away this time but the same guy grabbed me by the waist and pulled me into his lap.
" Let go of me please," I said trying to get back up.
" Give me your number and I will," he said playfully.
" No. I am not interested in you what so ever," I said clenching my teeth.
" Then I guess you aren't getting up, cause I don't take no for an answer," he said a bit angry this time.
Well little did he know I was far more pissed off than he was. I threw my elbow back into his ribs causing him to loosen his grip on me. I quickly got up but so did he. He tried to grab me again but this time I spun around and took one of my legs and wrapped it behind his and then pushed him. He fell hard onto the ground and got the wind knocked out of him.
" Next time you come in here you better not lay a damn hand on a woman. You got it," I said raising my voice.
I looked up to see a few guys standing up looking like they were gonna come over so I just walked away.
I weaved through the tables and back to Bill's office. I knocked on the door before entering and when Bill looked up at me he was smiling and looking at the cameras.
" Damn, you took his ass down," he said laughing.
" Yeah, well it had to be done," I said.
" I'm glad you did. We might have had to call the police. You had about ten different guys start making their way over till you kicked his ass. Then they all went and sat back down," he said smiling.
" I saw. But I'm going to be heading out on my break so I'll be back in and hour," I said smiling.
" Alright, just be careful. There's more weather that's supposed to be moving in later," he said.
" Alright I will. Thank you," I called back as I walked out of his office.
I walked over to my cubby and grabbed my jacket and then went out through the gate. I was passing by the table when I heard Abelie cry my name. I stopped and turned to see here looking a bit sad. I walked over to here and knelt down.
" Hey, what's wrong," I asked.
" You're leaving and I don't want you too," she said sadly.
" I'll be back in an hour. I'm just gonna take a break for a little bit," I said calmly to her.
" But I don't want you to leave yet," she said.
" Abelie how about me and you go with Viviana on her break," Geovanni said.
" Can we Vivi," she said sweetly.
" Yeah, come on. I know of a good place to go for breaks," I said with a smile.
Abelie hopped out of the booth with Geovanni right behind her.
I waited for Geovanni to grab their stuff before we left.
" Come on daddy. Let's go already," she said with quite a bit of sass.
" Well someone can sure be sassy," I said laughing a little.
" Yup. Daddy says I get it from my mommy," she said smiling sadly.
I noticed Geovanni stiffened at the mention of her mom so I decided to change the subject.
" Okay let's go," I said quickly.
I noticed Geovanni relax when I said this.
Me and Abelie walked ahead and out the door of the diner.
" So, how old are you," I asked her.
" I'm four," she said happily.
" Man I wish I was till four," I said smiling.
" Why? I want to be all grown up," she said confused.
" Cause when you're older you have to wake up super duper early. Sometimes you wake up before the sun comes up," I said.
" No way. I don't wanna wake up that early," she said with wide eyes.
I felt like someone was watching us but I couldn't tell where it was coming from. I knew we had Geovanni behind us so that made me feel somewhat better.
" Hey, let's stop and wait for your dad," I said.
" Okay," she said.
I turned around to see Geovanni a little ways behind us so I took Abelie's hand and walked back to him.
He gave a confused look so I signaled for him to come to me.
" Hey what's wrong. You seem a little on edge," he whispered in my ear while we continued walking.
" I feel like we are being watched," I whispered back.
As soon as I said this he went stiff again.
" Are you okay," I asked quietly.
" Yeah, but I want you to take Abelie and give her a piggy back ride. I want you to run and don't stop. Tell me where you plan to go," he said calmly.
" The gelato shop down at the corner," I said.
" Okay. Go ahead and go," he whispered in my ear.
" Hey Abelie, do you want a piggy back ride," I asked.
" Really," she squealed excitedly.
" Yup. Hop on," I said.
As soon as Abelie got on my back I made sure her arms were holding on to me tightly and I had a good grip on her.
" Alright, here we go," I said then took off sprinting.
Abelie was squealing and laughing with joy. Her laugh was so cute I couldn't help laugh with her. As we were weaving in and out of all the people everyone would smile and laugh a little because of Abelie. At one point a few people joined in on the running. When I saw the gelato shop up ahead I ran even faster.
" Faster Vivi, faster," Abelie squealed.
She reminded me so much of my little sister and brother. She was happy yet shy. That's what I loved about her. As we got closer to the gelato shop it began to sprinkle.
" Hey Abelie, do you feel the rain," I asked with a smile while running.
" Yeah and it's so cold," she said giggling.
We got to the shop just as it started to pour .
" Alright, I gotta put you down now," I said a little winded.
" That was so much fun," she said jumping up and down.
" It was really fun but now that we are here we have some serious stuff to talk about," I said smiling.
" What is this serious stuff," she asked with confusion written on her face.
" We need to discuss our favorite flavor of gelato," I said happily.
" Yayyy, but the only thing is, is that my daddy only knows what I like cause I can't say the name of it," she said sadly.
" Hmmm, well I think you like Dulce de Leche," Geovanni said from behind us .
I turned around I gasp and my eyes widened when I saw Geovanni completely soaked. He also had a scratch on his face and neck. As I looked him over there was a little spot of blood on his hands. My eyes lingered on the spot of blood.
" I like Dulce de Leche too," I said with a smile.
" Alright let's go and get some gelato," Abelie said tugging on my hand.
We walked up to the counter and ordered what we wanted but then I realized Geovanni was sitting at a table and wasn't ordering.
" Hey can you hold on for just a sec. We need to figure out what her dad wants," I said with a smile.
" Sure thing Viviana," the owner said.
I grabbed Abelie's hand and walked over to Geovanni.
" Hey, what flavor gelato do you want," I asked.
" I don't want any," he said quietly.
" You're getting some. What flavor," I said stubbornly.
" You sure are stubborn. I guess I'll take the same as you two," he said smiling a bit.
" Okay. Hey Abelie, why don't you stay here and keep your dad company," I whispered in her ear.
" Okay," she whispered back.
I giggled and got up to walk back to the counter.
" Alright, make that three Dulce De Leche please," I said smiling.
The owner nodded and got three bowls and filled them with gelato then put caramel drizzle on top. When he got the order squared away he put it on a tray and slide it across the counter to me.
" Here you go Viviana and by the way Margo says hi and that she loves you," he said happily.
" Tell her I said hi and that I love her too," I said.
" Sure thing hon. By the way we will be having a little anniversary party coming up soon and we like you to be there," he said.
" I will. Now you be careful and have a nice night," I said leaning across the counter and giving him a hug.
" I will, I promise," he said.
I waved bye and walked back to the table with the gelato.
" We have gelato," I said .
" Yayyy, I love gelato. Especially when it's homemade," Abelie said happily.
" Ohhhh, my mom used to make the best homemade gelato," I said smiling.
I missed my mom so much.
" Really!! Can she make me some," she asked.
" Umm, I'll have to see ," I said smiling a small smile.
Geovanni noticed this and gave me a weird look but I just shook it off.
" Hey Geovanni, can I talk to you real quick," I asked.
" Um, yeah sure," he said getting up.
He grabbed mine and his empty bowl and walked with me to throw them away.
" What happened earlier when you kinda disappeared for a few," I asked.
" It doesn't really matter," he said laughing a little.
" It does to me. Especially since you trusted to me to run off with your daughter," I said.
He sighed and ran his hand through his hair.
" Look, I don't want you to get involved in something you can't get out of Viviana. You're a nice woman and you need to stay that way. Getting involved with this will only make you paranoid all the time," he said seriously.
" Okay," I said with a sigh.
I looked at the time and realized I need to go.
" Hey I have to go. I gotta get back to work," I said quickly.
" Wait why? Just stay a little longer so Abelie can talk to you a bit more. She hardly talks to anybody anymore," he said.
" I have to get back to work, but if she ever wants to come over just find me at the diner, or have Bill give you my number," I said rushing back to the table.
" Hey Abelie, I have to get back to work so I'll see you again sometime soon," I said hugging her.
" Okay," she said hugging me back.
I smiled and took off out of he door. I had to be there in ten minutes so I would have to run the whole way there. I was cold and windy and the fact it was also raining didn't make things any better. The rain began to pick up so it kept getting into my eyes making it hard to see. Suddenly as I weaved between a few people I got the feeling I was being watched. I began to run faster because I was not about to get kidnapped.
" Viviana," I heard Alessio yell in a hard tone.
I stopped and turned around, and saw Alessio running towards me.
" What," I yelled.
" Come get in the car," he said rudely.
" No. I'm going back to work," I said walking away.
" Viviana, I can take you back to work," he said a little irritated.
I rolled my eyes and started walking towards the diner.
I heard a car door slam and the screech of tires. I watched Alessio drive back towards the diner.
The rain was beginning die down a little bit so I got my phone out of my purse to check the time. I had five minutes to get back to the diner before I was considered late. Thankfully it was only about a two minute walk now. All I had to do was turn a corner and I would be back at work. I sped up a little so I could get there before the rain decided to pour down again. When I turned the corner I noticed the guy who drove me to work this morning. I waved at him and smiled then walked into the diner. There were only a few people here since it was past the dinner rush, but all I could see were customers waiting impatiently at their tables. I didn't see any workers anywhere. It's like they all just left for their break at the same time. I heard the bell above the door chime repeatedly and saw the next shift workers coming in. I sighed with relief when they hurried a started taking orders. I went back to my cubby to put my purse up when I heard faint yelling coming from Bill's office. The person yelling didn't sound like Bill though. My curiosity peaked so I walked back and down the small hall to Bill's office door to see it was cracked.
I looked through the crack to see two of the guys and Alessio.
" I thought I told you to have my money today," Alessio yelled loudly.
" I only need two more days," Bill pleaded.
" I already told how it was going to be," he boomed, " you are to pay me when I come to collect."
Alessio pulled a gun out and pointed at Bill. I sucked in a sharp breath and tried to back away but I hit the door in the process. Alessio turned around and saw me in the doorway.
" Get her," he yelled.
My eyes widened and then I bolted.
" Viviana," he yelled through the diner.
I hopped over the counter and weaved in out between the tables. He was gaining on me quick so I flipped two tables across his path.
I ran through the door and hopped inside the same taxi I came to work in.
" Please drive , someone is trying to hurt me," I said.
" Where to," he said locking the doors and driving off.
" Never mind, I drove you this morning," he said.
I turned around to see Alessio glaring at the taxi I was in.
I turned around and relaxed in the seat and took a deep breath. The driver was going so fast that we were almost to my apartment already. I was giving this a twenty dollar bill this time. He could've kicked me out of his car and let me possibly die but he didn't. I saw my purse on the floor board so I reached in and retrieved my wallet. I had gone over my spending limit for the taxi but I could careless.
" So what happened," he asked me curiously.
" I saw something I shouldn't have seen," I said a little shaken.
" Well be careful kid," he said stopping outside my apartment building.
" I will. Thank you," I said handing him the twenty dollar bill.
I grabbed my purse and hopped out of the taxi. I walked into the lobby and over to the elevator because I would not be able to make it up the stairs. When I got inside I pressed the button that said five. The ride on the elevator didn't take but two minutes until I was on the top floor. I was thankful that the door to my apartment was pretty much right outside the elevator. I walked over to my door, unlocked it, then went inside locking it again. I went and got a towel out of the hall closet, then headed to the bathroom to take a warm shower. As I was getting undressed, the steam from the hot water filled the bathroom quickly. I finally felt at ease just breathing it in. I took my bra off and then got under the hot water. My body relaxed as I let the water engulf my body. My long black hair was clinging to my back and reached my waist. I washed it with shampoo and conditioner, then got out after I rinsed off. I towel dried my hair as best as I could then walked out into my bedroom. It was a bit chilly so I quickly slipped on a big t-shirt and a thong. Then I slipped under the covers on my bed and let sleep take me away.

So this is my second book. I hope you guys will like this one. Vote if you like it and comment. Message me if you have any questions🙂

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