Chapter Two

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Viviana POV
I woke up to the sun shining in my face. I groaned and threw the covers over my face. I was not getting up anytime soon since it was my day off. I started dozing back to sleep when I heard something shuffle outside my door. I got up quickly and quiet. My door was cracked so I opened it and peaked my head out down the hall. I turned my head when I saw something in the corner of my eye move into one of the rooms down at the other end of the hall. I quietly stepped out of my bedroom and walked towards the other end of the hall. I flung the door open to the laundry room and found nothing. I moved to the next door but it was closed so I didn't bother with it. That door couldn't be closed without making a squeaking noise. I realized that whoever was in my apartment was in my bathroom so I got up against the wall and quietly made my way forward. When I got close enough to see the mirror my eyes locked with Alessio's grey ones. I gasped and turned around running to the kitchen.
" Viviana, you aren't getting away this time so you might as well come to me willingly," Alessio boomed.
" I'm not going with you," I yelled back.
When I got into the kitchen I turned around and saw Alessio standing there.
" Viviana," he said laughing," just give up already. You will never get away from me."
His laugh sent shivers down my spine.
He moved forward to grab me but I dove across the counter top into the dining room. I got up to run when Alessio tackled me to the floor. He had my arms pinned above my head and was straddling my waist.
I was breathing heavily trying to catch my breath.
" What did I tell you," he whispered into my ear brushing his nose down my cheek.
I looked away from him and didn't say a word. He had no idea what I was capable of and he was about to find out.
" Look at me," he said in a hard tone.
I didn't listen to him and this only made him mad. He gripped my chin and pulled my face harshly so I was looking at him.
" Listen when I tell you to do something," he said rudely.
" Fuck you," I spat.
Alessio's eyes darkened to a black color. My eyes widened when I noticed how pissed off he was. Now was my chance to get loose. I quickly brought my head up and head butted Alessio causing him to fall backwards off of me. I scrambled up to my feet and ran for the living room. Alessio was hot on my heels.Now I was behind the couch and he was in front.
" Now I'm not gonna bother not hurting you," he said with dark eyes.
" Go ahead. Hurt me as much as you want but I will never go with you," I yelled.
I backed up and ran at Alessio jumping over the couch and tackling him. We both fell on top of my coffee table causing it to shatter. Alessio had covered his head before impact and was still in the same position. I got up and ran for the front door. I didn't even make it more than three feet before Alessio grabbed my ankle and yanked my leg out from underneath of me. I screamed when I fell to the ground hitting my head in the process.
" Alright, let's go. You're gonna come with me one way or another," he yelled as he pulled me towards him. I grabbed onto the small table next to the couch trying to stop Alessio from pulling me any further but I drug the table with me causing the lamp to fall off. I grabbed it and threw it, hitting Alessio in the face. This only pissed him of more than I already had. He yanked me back to him and then he climbed on top of me. He grabbed my throat with one hand and started squeezing more and more making it almost impossible to breath. I was clawing at his hands when something shiny caught my eye. I looked over and saw a shard of glass on the floor. I went to grabbed it but he beat me to it throwing it somewhere in the room.
" Don't even think about doing something like that to me," he spat venomously while squeezing  my neck even more. I whimpered at the pain. I was looking quickly for anyway to get away from Alessio. Then I realized he didn't have my legs pinned down. As quick and hard as I could, I brought my leg up and hit him in the jewels. His face contorted in pain and he fell off onto his side holding himself. I got up gasping for air and ran to my bedroom. I got in and shut the door, then locked it. I bolted to my window and opened it, climbing out onto my fire escape. Just as I got out of the window Alessio kicked my door down. I ran down the steps as quick as I could.
" VIVIANA," Alessio boomed.
I jumped and ran quicker hoping to God he wouldn't catch up to quickly, but of course the man upstairs had other plans. I had to go down three more flights before I could make a run for it into a busy street where someone would hopefully help me. Alessio was catching up quick and I was terrified he was going to kill me.
" Alright, I'm fucking done with this shit," he said loudly. Then I heard the click of a gun. I instantly froze in place. I could hear Alessio coming down the last bit of stairs separating us .
" Now, you will listen to me or you get shot," he said in my ear after taking a hold of my arm in a tight grip.
" Portare la macchina al retro dell'edificio," Alessio said over the phone.
I knew he was speaking Italian but I wasn't sure what he was saying.
I just stood there quietly until he began pushing me forward to go down the rest of the stairs. I was walking slow at first but when he shoved me forward I began walking faster.
" You know, you don't have to push me around like I'm a five year old," I snapped.
Alessio spun me around and pushed me up against the rail. He had an arm around me behind my back and the other holding on to the rail.
" Don't speak to me that way," he growled.
I scoffed and rolled my eyes at him.
Before I knew it he had me leaning over the rail. So I wouldn't fall, I wrapped my legs around his waist and held the rail.
" Next time you do that, I'll kill you," he said.
I didn't do anything but give him a blank look.
He looked at me for a second and then brought me back over the rail. I tried to unwrap my legs from around his waist but he grabbed my thighs and kept them there.
" Let me put my legs down," I said glaring at him.
" No. I'll carry you down so you can't get away again," he said in a hard tone.
" Put. Me. Down. I can walk on my own. I'm not gonna run. Especially since you have a fucking gun," I said with my jaw clenched.
He sighed out of annoyance and put me down on my feet again.
" Thank you," I said.
" Mhm," he hummed.
I rolled my eyes and began walking. Suddenly I saw a black car with really dark black tinted windows pull up below us. I should've have been excited thinking I could escape but I knew deep down it was probably his car.
The driver stepped out of the car and when I saw who it was my heart dropped. Geovanni was standing there with a stone cold expression. That was not the man I encountered yesterday. As soon as we made eye contact his expression changed to one of sympathy. I looked away in pure anger. When I looked back he mouth ' I'm sorry'. I shook my head and looked away from him. Alessio and I finally stepped down from the stairs and walked to the car.
" Geovanni, open the door," Alessio said rudely.
He rolled his eyes and opened the door. Alessio threw me into the back seat and then picked up my feet so he could sit down with me. Geovanni shut the door and then hopped into the front seat and began driving again. I curled up in the corner of the back seat and leaned
against the door. I made sure to stay as far away from Alessio as I could. Suddenly I was really cold and realized I was in only a small baggy t-shirt and a lacy little thong that didn't cover much. It also didn't help that my shirt had risen up to just below my boobs. I pulled my shirt down as far as I could and then looked out the window. I quietly watched my surroundings fly by as we sped down the busy street. The signs were just one big blur cause I wasn't paying attention. Suddenly Geovanni took an exit that leads to the highway. I sat up and began to panic. I grabbed at the door handle and repeatedly tried to open it but it wouldn't budge. I heard a chuckle and looked over at Alessio.
" You aren't getting out of this car," he said laughing.
" You son of a bitch," yelled lunging at him.
Now I was straddling him and punching him repeatedly.
" God damn it Viviana," he yelled.
He pulled me closer to him by wrapping his arms around my waist. This made it impossible to get any hits in.
" If you don't stop Viviana, I'll take you right here right now," he said," it would be very easy considering you are only wearing a small white t-shirt that I can see right through and a black lacy thong."
My eyes widened and I started wiggling around trying to get out of his grip.
He tightened his hold on me and leaned to my ear.
" If you keep wiggling around in my lap, I'll rip your clothes off," he said in a husky voice.
His voice sent a shiver down my spine as I sucked in a sharp breath.
I gained my composure and pushed myself away from him and sat back down across from him.
I needed to find a damn way out of this car and fast. God only knows where they are taking me. I saw that the window between the front and back seat was open. If I dove through the window partially I could grab the wheel and cause us to crash. I shifted in my seat to get ready for the lung. This caught Alessio's attention. I looked at him and glared then looked back out the window. We were pulling onto an exit ramp. When I read the sign it read 'Airport'. It was now or never. I lunged forward but didn't quite get there. Alessio grabbed me and pulled me into his lap.
"Arrotolare la finestra. In questo momento!!," Alessio shouted.
I didn't know what he was saying until Geovanni started rolling up the window.
My heart sank into my stomach. I had to think of another way out of the car.
" You might as well quit trying Viviana," he whispered in my ear.
Tears began forming in my eyes but I quickly blinked them away. I know I can get out of here, I just have to find another way. Then it clicked. Alessio wouldn't lock himself in the back of a car so his door probably doesn't have a child lock on it. I had to wait for the right moment and figure out a way to distract Alessio long enough for me grab the handle and open the door. I already know I can stun him just long enough for me to get out. All I have to do is head butt him. I somewhat relaxed in his lap gaining an amused smirk. I already knew he wasn't letting me go anytime soon. Finally the perfect moment came. It all happened in slow motion. Two cars collided on the highway at a stop light. I quickly kissed Alessio slowly running my tongue over his bottom lip. He opened his mouth and our tongues began fight for dominance. He slipped his hands up my shirt and began playing with my nipples. I moaned into his mouth and began giving myself to him.I got my fingers tangled into his hair when I remembered what I was supposed to be doing. I pulled my head back and gripped his hair tightly. I brought his head forward and head butted him again and dashed out of the car. I ran for the woods but stopped when I heard crying. I look over at a car that was on fire and saw an unconscious woman and her baby crying in the back seat. I quickly ran over and tried to open the moms door but it wouldn't budge. The window was fully shattered and there was blood on the woman's face. I could get her through the window if I had a blanket. The baby crying snapped me out of my thoughts. I quickly went to the back door and opened the door. I saw a baby with a blanket . I quickly got the baby's car seat out and sat it in the grass on the edge of the road. I took the blanket and folded it once then put it over the glass of the window that I couldn't knock out. I reached in and unbuckled the woman's seat belt. Then I grabbed her and began pulling her through the window. She was heavy but I wasn't going to let her die. Suddenly two more hands started helping me get the woman out of the car. We got her out and laid her next to her baby on the ground. I looked up and saw Geovanni. The person from the other car came running over.
" Watch out, I'm a doctor. Take care of the baby," he said.
I ran over to the crying baby and got it out of its car seat. I rocked the baby back and fourth and got it to stop crying.
" Shhhh, it's gonna be okay. Everything will be okay," I cooed.
" You'd be a good mom," I heard Geovanni say.
I looked at him and smiled.
" Thanks," I said smiling.
" Here, you might want to put these on," Geovanni said handing me a pair of sweatpants.
" She's asleep and I don't wanna wake her. Can you help me put them on," I asked smiling nervously.
" Um, yeah sure," he said.
Geovanni bent down opened the pants legs so I could slip my legs in. Then he brought the waist band up my legs and to my waist.
" Thanks," I said.
" Your welcome," he said walking back towards the car.
I watched him go over to Alessio, who was glaring at me, and started talking in hushed voices. I was so focused that I didn't notice the ambulance pull up.
I turned towards the ambulance and walked towards them with the baby in my arms.
" Ma'am, are you hurt in anyway," the EMT asked me.
" No, I wasn't involved. I heard the baby crying and saw the mom unconscious. Then when I saw the car on fire I jumped out of my car and ran over to help," I said.
" Okay, well I'll take the baby and you can resume with your day," she said sweetly taking the baby from my arms.
" Hey, hold just a sec," I said.
I turned around and ran to Geovanni.
" Hey can I have your phone number so I can give it to the EMT. I need to know if they are okay at the end of the day," I said.
" Yeah," he said smiling.
He quickly got a pen and a napkin and wrote it down for me. As soon as he slipped me the napkin I took off to the ambulance.
" Here, give this to the family and tell them to keep me updated if they can," I said.
" Alright I will," she said.
" Thank you," I said smiling.
She nodded and went back to work.
I ran back to the car quickly and hopped in. Before I could get up and shut the door Alessio beat me to it. Then he pinned me down to the seat roughly.
" I'm getting sick of you," he growled.
" Then kill me," I said bringing my face up to his.
He clenched his jaw and leaned down to my ear.
" Now why would I do that when I could make you suffer for the shit you've put me through today," he whispered.
I sucked in a sharp breath as Alessio put his face in the crook of my neck. I felt his lips brush against the skin of my neck. Then he slowly moved up and down my jaw leaving a trail of fire.
My breath quickened as he got lower. He started slowly kissing down my neck again then moving to my shirt. My shirt was so thin that when he kissed me through my shirt my skin would ignite with a fiery tingly sensation. He removed both hands and grabbed my shirt slipping it over my head. As he kissed me down my stomach and got to the edge of my sweatpants, then he pulled away and smirked at me.
My jaw dropped as I realized what just happened. I let my guard down for to long and let him realize the effect he had on me. I glared at him and moved forward to grab my shirt but he held it away from me.
" Give me back my shirt," I said annoyed.
" No. You'll be fine without it," he said with a smirk.
" Fine," I said. I moved to the window and knocked on it.
" What are you doing," he said narrowing his eyes.
" I'm gonna see if Geovanni will let me have a different shirt.
The window rolled down slowly.
" Yeah, what's up," Geovanni said still concentrating on the road.
" Do you have a shirt I could use," I asked.
" What happened to yours," he asked curiously.
" Alessio happened and now he won't give it back and I'm cold," I said annoyed.
" Yeah, hold on just one second," he said pulling onto the shoulder of the road.
" Thank you," I said quietly.
Geovanni got out of the front of the car and opened the back door. He snatched my shirt from Alessio and threw it to me while I covered my chest. Then I heard a slap.
" Ow, what the fuck was that for," Alessio yelled.
" Leave her the FUCK ALONE," Geovanni yelled.
" Are you telling me what to do," Alessio asked a bit annoyed.
" Yeah I am because I'm your brother and I can do as I please," Geovanni said annoyed.
" I'll do whatever I want," Alessio said.
" Viviana, you're coming up front with me," he said.
" No, she is staying back here," Alessio said through gritted teeth.
I began moving over to get out but Alessio grabbed me by the waist and pulled me against him.
" She stays back here," he said.
" I'm sorry Viviana," Geovanni said.
" It's okay," I said looking down.
Geovanni gave me a sad smile and shut the door.
" Can you please let me go now," I asked Alessio.
" Why," he said.
" Because this isn't how I want to sit," I said annoyed.
" Fine," he said sitting me beside him.
I tried to scoot away but he wouldn't let me. I sighed and just sat there not bothering to try and get away. I was already tired enough. I leaned my head back against the seat and closed my eyes. I was slowly falling asleep when Alessio nudged me.
" Hmm," I hummed not opening my eyes.
" I may be an ass but I know from experience that it is not comfortable to sleep like that," he said," so lay down. You can put your feet in my lap."
I nodded and laid down and out my feet in his lap then dozed off.

I woke up to my little brother and sister screaming and laughing with joy upstairs. I smiled to myself and snuck out of my room and up the stairs quietly.
" Boo," I yelled hugging both of them close.
" AHHHH," they both screamed.
I laughed and sat done on the floor and started playing with them.
" Vivi, I thought you had to go to school today," Kay asked.
" Nope, not today. Remember I am on my fall break for Thanksgiving," I said smiling.
" Oh yeah. Wait, does that mean we get to play all day," Caleb asked with excitement.
I nodded my head.
" Yayyy," they both squealed at the same time.
I could faintly hear my parents yelling at eachother downstairs.
" Hey guys, stay right here. I'll be right back," I said smiling.
They both nodded their heads and went back to playing.
I walked down the stairs to see why my parents were arguing but stopped when I heard a gun shot and my mom screaming. I turned the corner to see my dad with a gun in his hand pointing it at my mom.
" Viviana get out of here with the twins," she screamed before my dad killed her.
I ran upstairs as quick as I could. I saw the twins running out of the play room.
" Get back in the play room now," I screamed.
They bolted back in with me by their side.
" Viviana," my dad screamed.
I quickly shut and locked the door pushing you bins in front of it.
" Vivi, what's happening," Kay cried.
" Daddy is being mean. We need to get out of here," I said quickly.
She nodded and hugged me. I pulled Caleb close and hugged him also.
By now my dad was pounding on the door.
" Hey guys we need to be quiet okay. We are gonna go onto the roof," I whispered.
They nodded and went towards the window with me. I opened it quickly and picked them up.
" Hold hands and lay down as flat as you can," I said.
They nodded and did exactly what I told them to.
I ran over to the attic crawl space and opened it, then ran back to the window and crawled out. I shut it quietly and grabbed a hold of the twins hands.
" Okay guys, be very quiet," I said putting my finger to my lips.
I listened close as my dad kicked open the door and began looking for us. I hoped and prayed he wouldn't find us on the roof. Suddenly I heard Kay scream. I looked over to see my dad pulling her by her hair.
" Nooo," I screamed. I lunged forward and tackled my dad. The gun flew out of his hand but misfired when it he the roof. I looked over and saw Caleb staring at me in shock. He fell back down against the roof.
" CALEB," I screamed.
I felt a sharp pain in my side and saw my dad had stabbed me.
I held my side as tight as I could.
" Run Kay and don't look back," I yelled.
She did as she was told and ran back to the window. My dad grabbed his gun and tried to go after her but I grabbed a hold of his ankle. He fell against the roof aiming the gun at me. I rolled to the side as he shot gun. I heard a scream come down from below us and saw Kay laying lifeless on the ground.
" KAY," I screamed.
I pulled my dad toward me with the little strength I had and grabbed his knife, stabbing him in the throat. He fell and dropped his gun. I kicked it off the roof and threw the knife through the window. I crawled over to him...

" Viviana, Viviana wake up," Alessio said shaking me.
I shot up panting. I haven't had that nightmare of that day in years. I felt something wet on my face and body. I was sweating and crying. I scooted away from Alessio and leaned against the door pulling my legs up to my chest.
" Hey, what's wrong," he said quietly.
I shook my head and sniffled. The tears were still streaming down my face.
" Viviana, you said two names in your sleep. Who are Kay and Caleb," he asked calmly.
" I don't know a Kay and a Caleb," I said.
" Okay, well we are at the airport so you need to get out with me. You are coming with me and Geovanni back to our home," he said in a hard tone.
The back door opened revealing Geovanni.
" Alright, we need to go. The private jet needs to leave now or we will get caught in some weather," he said.
I got up and scooted towards Alessio so I could get out. Alessio grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the car roughly.
I kept quiet as we walked to the jet.
The stairs were steep and slippery so Alessio let me go so I could use the railing. When we got into the jet I sat down and lifted the plastic piece covering the window. I wasn't looking forward to this. I should've known after what happened, not to let my curiosity get the better of me.

Hope you guys liked it. If so vote and comment what you thought about this chapter.

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