Chapter Four

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Hey guys! I have finally gotten back to writing! I will be trying to update for than twice a month! Enjoy!

Viviana's POV


I sat on the bed after Alessio had left with my mouth in a grim line. He got me going so easily and I absolutely hated it. Alessio got up and left the room with a triumphant smirk on his revolting face. Now I need to find a way to get back at him. I could either do it myself or have someone else do it. A knock on my door interrupted the rambling and debating going on inside my head.
" Come in," I said quietly.

A short middle aged woman came into my room. She had a bright smile and rosy cheeks. Her eyes were a faded green and she had graying, black hair. She seemed too sweet to be in a place like this.
" Hi hun, I'm just coming to check on you. My name is Vittoria. If you need anything just tell me and I'll help. Has Alessio told you anything since you've been here" she questioned.
" No, all I know is that this is a mafia house," I said shyly.
" Well, you're going to start working with me and the other maids," she said smiling.
" Oh okay. What will I be doing around the house," I asked.
" Well it depends. What are you good at doing," she asked.
" I can cook pretty well in all cultures, and I can clean anything," I said with a small smile.
" Well if you enjoy cooking a lot then I will just put you back in the kitchen," she said in a cheery voice.
" I would love that. When will I start and do I have to wear a uniform," I asked.
" You'll start in a few days that way it gives you time to settle in," she said softly.
" Okay, well could you maybe show me around or have someone not working show me around," I asked.
" Well of course, I will have Domenico show you around. He is about your age, maybe a bit younger. He should make you feel right at home here," Vittoria said with a warm smile.
" Okay thank you," I said smiling.
" Well I have to get back to work, but Domenico will be up here soon," she said hurrying out of the room.
I waved bye as she ran out the bedroom door. She was by far one of the nicest people that lived here.
I got up and started looking around my room, and found out that I have a bathroom and a huge walk in closet along with a balcony. I would've thought Alessio would've thrown me in a dungeon instead of letting me stay in a nice room like this one.
I was really tired from the car ride and everything else that happened in the last twenty-four to forty-eight hours so I decided to lay down. The bed in my room looked very soft and fluffy giving me the urge to leap into it and test it out. When I landed it was just like a big fluffy cloud. The whole bed engulfed me into its soft warm arms. I snuggled under the blanket and started to doze off but then the bed dipped on one side and someone slipped under the covers with me. I rolled over to see a gorgeous shirtless god laying next to me.
" Hello, who might you be," I asked raising an eyebrow.
" I'm Domenico, and I'll be showing you around the house after we take a quick nap," he said with a smile.
" Hmm what if I don't want to take a nap," I said with a smirk.
" Well if you don't want to take a nap, then tell me what you want," he said with a smirk.
" I don't know, I kinda want to see the house but I also want to see some areas around here," I said with a big grin,
" Alright well then lets go," he said grabbing my hand.
" Where are we going first," I asked curiously.
" Well I was thinking about showing you around the property since you aren't allowed to leave without Alessio. He's interested in you because of what you did in the car. You won't be out of his sight very often," he said seriously while putting on his shirt.
" It's honestly nothing, I was taught by my dad how to shoot a damn gun. If he's offended that I know how to shoot a gun and that I saved their asses then he can go ahead and kiss my ass. I'm not staying pent up in this damn house," I said angrily.
" You will be staying in this house whether you like it or not. You have no choice. You brought yourself into this mess and you won't be getting yourself out of it," Alessio said from behind me.
" Oh but you see you don't know me. If I want something I get it," I spat with fury.
" Domenico, leave us," he said gritting his teeth.
Domenico walked away chuckling as if he already knew what was going to happen.
" Why did you make him leave," I yelled.
" Because I think it's time you learn how to respect people. Especially those in charge" he said grabbing my arm.
I yanked my arm out of his grip and pushed him against the wall pushing his arm between his shoulder blades.
" Don't threaten me. I'm done with your shit already and I haven't even been here for a whole twenty four hours. I will be leaving one way or another. If I have to kill you I will," I said in his ear.
" You just made the biggest mistake of your life," he said laughing hysterically.
This shocked me. Usually people are asking me to let their arm go but he was just listening and laughing.
Before I knew it I was thrown on the floor and had my hands pinned to the ground.
" You will not tell me what you will or will not do. You will listen to me at all times. So help me God if you threaten me again, I will have you tortured until the day you die, and death won't come easily. I'll make sure you're revived so I can do it over and over again," he said calmly with fury in his eyes.
" You act like you scare me," I said laughing.
I wasn't going to let him see through me to the pit of my fear that was trying to bubble through the surface.
" You may not look like it but deep down I know this is all an act. I'm not dumb Viviana. You can't fool me," he said laughing.
That's where he was wrong. I've already fooled him once and I can do it again to get my way. If I have to I'll act like I'm in love with him to do so.
" Think what you want Alessio, but I always get what I want," I whispered leaning up into his face.
" We'll see about that Viviana," he said low.
" If you think you can keep me from achieving what I'm going for then you're absolutely idiotic," I said laughing in his face.
" Oh how mistaken you are," he said lowly.
" Please the only one mistaken here is you my dear friend," I said with a smirk.
" You can try and escape all you want Viviana but you won't achieve your goal. I can have you hunted down before you even get the chance to leave the property. My security is through the roof because of recent attacks so go ahead and try. See where you end up," he said daringly.
The way he said that so calmly scared me but I couldn't let him see that. If he knew I was scared he would do this more and more. I had to keep a face that showed nothing but pure confidence and bravery. I know it would rattle him to the core.
" Okay Alessio, we will see where I end up. Just know it'll be back in America where you can't find me," I said in a menacing voice.
He seemed taken back by my response so I took my chance to push him off of me. He flew back and hit the wall with a loud thud.
" You really don't get what i can have done to you or where I can put you," he said with a pissed off look.
" I really don't care anymore," I said with a smirk.
By now I had gotten up and sat back down on my bed.
Alessio got up and came to stand right in front of me.
"If you're going to say something, say it," I said smiling.
He pulled me to my feet and grabbed my chin harshly so I couldn't look away from him.
" You're lucky I didn't already take you to be tortured. You will be staying locked in this room until you learn to behave. If you try to escape you will be punished," he said through clenched teeth.
" You act like that'll stop me from trying," I said with a cold laugh.
" Why would you risk this! Do you not care about your life! Do you not realize the things I could have done to you! You know what come with me and I'll show you! You can act like a child but I want you to see how you'll end up! And believe me, I will show you no mercy," he yelled furiously.
By now I was shaking because of how frightened I was. I thought I had seen him angry before but this was a whole new level of anger that I had managed to reach. His eyes had a dark presence in them and the man I was looking at had changed into a completely different person. His eyes cold and harsh while his body had gone tense like he was trying to hold himself back.
He grabbed my arm and tried to pull me out of the room.
" NO LEAVE ME ALONE," I screamed.
" DON'T FIGHT ME! I WILL MAKE YOU REGRET IT," he yelled with fury.
" Please leave me alone I'll stop please leave me alone! You're scaring me stop," I pleaded with tears streaming down my face.
He drug me out of my room and into the hallway. I tried grabbing the doorway but when I did he yanked me hard enough to get me to release it.
He was heading towards the stairs so I began kicking. I managed to kick the back of his leg making him fall to the floor.
"Viviana," he said in a calm voice.
My eyes widened as I saw him standing up in front of me. I tried scooting back but he grabbed me by my shirt slightly ripping it as he pulled me to my feet.
" Quit struggling," he said clenching his teeth.
" Leave me alone," I said breathing heavily with tears streaming down my face,
" Let's go" he said grabbing by the arm and nearly dragging me by his side.
As he drug me along side of him we ran into Geovanni and he looked livid.
" What the hell are you doing to her," he boomed.
Alessio stopped dead in his tracks and turned towards Geovanni.
" I'm taking her to the basement," he said tightening his grip on my arm.
" Ow let go of me," I said trying to hold back tears.
" Give her to me now," he said in a calm but angry manner.
" No she needs to learn who she's dealing with," he said with a glare.
Alessio shoved me forward causing me to fall hard to the floor in front of Geovanni. Domenico rushed over and picked me up from the floor while Geovanni gave him orders to take me to his room. I saw Geovanni go towards Alessio and hit him in the jaw knocking him backwards and nearly off of his feet.
" Geovanni no," I screamed.
" Leave it alone Viviana," Domenico said tightening his hold on me.
" Abelie is down there," I said yanking myself away from him.
" Abelie come here," I said running down the stairs.
She ran towards me and practically jumped in my arms. Things were getting rougher by the second and if someone didn't step in one of them might get seriously hurt.
" Domenico take her to my room and stay there with her," I said handing Abelie to him.
" What the hell are you doing," he said with wide eyes.
" Going to break this bullshit up," I said stomping down the stairs.
" Geovanni stop it," I yelled.
" Alessio stop," I yelled but neither of them heard me. They were too focused on beating the shit out of each other.
I knew I shouldn't do this because I'm not supposed to do much due to my concussion but I wasn't going to let this happen because of me. I ran just as Alessio raised his hand and tackled him before he could hit Geovanni. We fell to the floor and laid there for a second.
" Geovanni go get Abelie," I said furiously.

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