Diary Entry 18 (OOC)

43 7 5

I hope people think this okay but I want to make Bucky a multi-ship character.
Basically, if people are okay with it, he will be with a handful of people. However, I'd make special books for each person he's with and it would be treated as different Bucky's. I just feel like it would be better.

I've done it with a past account I've had and the shipping worked the exact same way as a single ship. Part of me feels like this isn't going to be accepted but it's currently a trial.

The books would be set out as Bucky x (character) and they'd be tagged in the book.

I can see how difficult this would be to do though. But I've been sat on this idea for quite some time now because I'm scared that I'll come down to having to choose and then people will get hurt or disappointed.

If this idea isn't okay with people then this account will return to a single ship account.

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